Saturday, March 4, 2017

What I Really Think, You Little Rascal...

The Little Rascals, Living from glory to glory blog

What I really Think...

Enjoying this season of my life as I have enjoyed all the others!

Sometimes we can miss the simple joys of our everyday lives;
By always thinking that there is something better!
Or living in the past because we thought it was so great!

Come up with some new plans and ideas to enjoy this NOW season.

Be funny and make someone smile!

Be a better wife!!

Learn a new skill!

A good and happy life is something we can create...
The power to love and not give up is what a good woman should do!

Are you ready to give up?

Well, wait three days...

We can all recall a time when you might have been down or weary;
But each time we have overcome those feelings!

I am a lady that desires to enjoy my days!
Cooking and cleaning become a joy!
Loving my husband is a God honoring mission!

We cannot become a prisoner in our own homes just because,
The world has gone crazy!

Stretch your imagination...
Clean out the old of what is no longer useful!
Keep what brings you joy!

Purpose in your heart to bring God honor in your days!
Enjoy the lonely days
Enjoy the quiet
Enjoy this season!

We must teach the younger women how to
Love their children and their husbands;

But we must also teach them how to live a healthy life once
They have done this great calling!

What I really think!

The Best Is Yet To Come...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I enjoyed this post Roxy as I do all of them. I too am enjoying this new season in life. I have learned to enjoy the quiet and less busy life. Also enjoying having more time to do things for others.

  2. Hi Roxy, what a great post. I too am enjoying this season of my life and find it joyful. Learning something new Andy being happy with the simpler pleasures of life without stress and worry is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing. So enjoy staying in touch with you through IG too. Have a beautiful evening. Bless you dear one!! xo

  3. Roxy, You are such an encouragement!!! I needed this today. Thank you for always sharing your heart. Love you, my friend! Have a blessed Sabbath :)

  4. I hear ya!
    We can sit still or we can move.
    Today, I bought a new rose bush. This is getting me excited for Spring and getting dirt under me fingernails.
    I'm moving around, praising God for all the good I have.

  5. Thank you for this post, Roxie. At 51, I'm learning to appreciate my life just as it is, not as I think it "should be". Since giving up work out of the house two years ago, I find I'm still adjusting, but I help my husband with his business and thus I work from home a few hours a week.
    There are few women I know around my age that don't work outside the home, but I concentrate on making my home a place of rest and comfort, helping my widowed mother-in-law, and am involving myself more in the community.
    It's definitely an adjustment getting to know some of my limitations, but life is sweet if only we remember how blessed we truly are.

    Christine x

  6. What a wonderful post. I have been so very nostalgic lately, maybe overly so. This is a good reminder our families need good memories NOW and we have to make the effort!

  7. To God be the glory in all things we do. It is hard for me at times to think about the think that in times past things were better than today. But today is what we are granted and we need to be seeking to make the most of it now. I love your "wait three days" advice. Very wise! There are so many blessings to walking in the ways of the Lord and being keepers at home. Thank you for the encouragement!

  8. You are such an encourager Roxy. Although this has been a difficult season healthwise for me, God always gives opportunity to do His work in all circumstances.

  9. Yes indeed lerning to change and enjoy this stage in my life of 59. Single.. focusing on how to put myself in more of a God like mind and soul. And not to worry about things I can not control.. learning to do me meaning that focus of God and following Jesus. Have a wonderful day with love Janice

  10. We can always choose to look up or look down, we always have a choice! And I love your choices! Always encouraging! Each season in our lives has good and bad, I've learned that. And so, I give thanks for the good, always, and life is better that way :) May the Lord bless you greatly dear friend!

  11. What a blessing it is to enjoy life in whatever season we are in. The children grow so fast. I'm glad I still have all mine at home, even though it is very busy!


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