Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Blogging Changing?...


Well. Let's celebrate...

We have another season upon us!

It has been a very cool spring here in these parts;
And I have enjoyed it very much!

It's time to get your June and July And even August mode in gear!

Bug spray
Drinking enough water
Wear eye protection

But most importantly;
Taking time to enjoy the moment of each day!

I am not sure lately what to blog about;
I have been just so enjoying working on my Doll house!
Watering my flowers and greenhouse!

I have made a few very sweet friends through blogging all these years!
Grateful for that...

Hank wanted to say Happy Memorial Day!

I am looking at revamping my sidebar;
So many on there anymore, I do not have any feedback.
I lost my whole sidebar a while back, and not sure what I
Want to use it for anymore.
Asking your opinion on what you like or dislike
With my choice of blogs I share on my sidebar.
Are they useful for you to find other blogs?

Have you found a New Blog lately that you enjoy?
How many comments do you leave per week?
Do you wish we just had a like button?
(Just added a Like, and Interesting and Important Button)
Just BELOW each post.
Never knew you could do that!
Do you leave comments via using your cell phone?

The reason I Blog is because I enjoy the connection!
I blog because it is enjoyable to write a post!
It is nice to have a little spot that is all your own!
You can share your heart and ideas and encourage others!
You can even share a warning to help others stay safe!

I still think blogging is a classy magazine of real people;
That we get to get a glimpse of their lives and homes!

Well anyways, I do hope you all enjoy yourself this

You're always welcomed Here!!


  1. It seems to me that people don't comment as much on blogs as they did a few years ago. I suspect social media may be to blame, at least partly. People are used to just "liking" things there. But, I want blogs to always be around, so that's why I keep blogging. I like the connection too. And I find other homemakers' blogs so encouraging. Love your blog, Roxy. I hope you keep it up.

  2. I do still love the friends that I've made through this blogging world of ours. And yes, I do consider you all my friends. I look up new blogs from people's side bars. That's how I found many of you. I do think blogging is changing. Part of my problem is that blogger will no longer let me post from my phone or my iPad. That means I can only do a blog post when I'm at home, which is difficult when I'm at the lake so much in the summertime. I'm thinking of changing from Blogger to word press or something that will let me blog from my phone. I hope you have a lovely day today my sweet friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. I've met plenty of very encouraging ladies since I started blogging 10 years ago. It is a good outlet for me to share what I love to make and to read other's accomplishments, too. Keep blogging!

  4. I blog to keep a photo journal, which I print out in book form at the end of the year. The nice thing about blogging would be other bloggers. It would be nice to have a like button.

  5. I started blogging as a journal for my quilting. Then went on to make a second blog for my other interests. There used to be a lot of comments. Now not so many. I think with the wave of Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media, people just don't have time to leave comments anymore. I do like to see who is on your sidebar. I often click on sidebars on other blogs. The reactions box is new to me too. So many things have changed with Blogger. And it seems like when they make changes, I can't find some of the tools I used before :-(

  6. Blogging is my outlet to share my heart, creativity and encouragement through my photos and words. I blog mostly because I need this utlet but little did I know when I started almost 4 year ago that I would "meet" so any wonderful, like-minded ladies who live the Lord. We have shared prayers, praises and just everyday stuff. I too am thinking seriously about publishing mine to book form. Roxy, you was one of my very first encouragers and I so appreciate you. As far as the sidebar goes, I don't have a lot in mine...mostly just blogs I read, labels for my posts and my archives.

  7. I really enjoy your blog Roxy. I hope you keep going strong for a long time. I do appreciate your sidebar. I find it very helpful.

  8. Like Nonnie, my blog is also a sort of photo journal, but I've never had it made into a book at the end of the year. That's something I should look into. I do often comment by phone, but it gets confusing if you're then later reading blogs on the computer and can't remember on which ones you've left comments! I didn't know there was a 'like' button. I do suspect that Instagram (because it's so much easier) and FB are partly to blame for the smaller numbers in blog participation. Blogging is hard work. Glad I happened in on my Blogger Reading List today! :-) - Judy

  9. I love blogging for all the personal connections. Even though I don't have a lot of friends in my community that I relate to well, my homemaking blogger friends give me a whole world of sweet friendships to cultivate. I've spent a lot of years building my blogging community and have recently branched out with a literature blog and a letter writing blog. I'm meeting new communities of people that I probably wouldn't have been introduced to had I stayed with only my oldest blog. I enjoy leaving comments and joining linky parties. I sure do enjoy you're blog---you're on my sidebar! (Speaking of sidebars...) I really do love to check out sidebars when they've got current info and lists of similar blogs. I've found most of my favorite blogs through sidebar lists!


  10. I admit I don't leave as many comments as I should. Many times I am reading blogs in the evening and I don't have the brain power to leave an intelligent comment. Lame excuse; I know. :) I love blogs listed in the sidebar. I have found many wonderful blogs that way.

  11. Hi Roxy, I love your blog.I very seldom comment and thank you for all the time and trouble it takes to make a post. I love homemaking blogs the best. Some of the best have stopped blogging or made them private. I hope you keep blogging for a long time. I love hearing about everyday life.

  12. I'm glad I've found your blog as I enjoy reading your posts. I like to blog for many of the same reasons you mentioned but I mainly like to use it to "scrapbook" our travels, projects and special activities. It seems so many use blogging to make money and I think that's taking a lot of the enjoyment of reading out of it for me. Wishing you a wonderful summer, Roxy! Zenda

  13. I do think blogging is changing. I don't like it, but I don't begrudge those ladies that have made it a money making thing. I like blogs for just the clever ideas, the real life stories, etc. I have found myself going less and less to those covered with ads and looking more for just the homemaker blogs, so with that said, I love your blog list.
    I don't ever plan to be anything big with mine. I like writing and keeping a record of my good times. My more thoughtful things go in my written journal.
    Keep writing girl...even if we are commenting. We are reading!!!

  14. I starting blogging a few years on a Home School site is no longer around. I ended on Blogger and I love it. I've made lots of friend through blogging. I find new blogs either through a person's sidebar list or if a person leaves an interesting comment I will click on their name. Some have blogs and some dont. I'm not sure how I found your blog Roxy. Maybe via a comment or linky party. I'm not exactly sure how to do those linky things. They all look so pretty!

  15. I love your blog Roxy. I have found several blogs through side bars;)
    I do not have a blog. I comment and use the internet in my smart phone.
    I feel like I comment TOO much {smiles}.
    I seek out blogs mainly for godly older women as I don't have that," in the flesh" so to speak.
    You and a handful of ladies have taught me many things. To love and rely on God, love our husbands, children, and care for our homes.
    God bless and thank you.

  16. Roxy, I've always liked your blog and have left comments when I really have something to say. Sometimes I think I have a tendency to over comment on blogs with things like "Sounds like a wonderful day" etc. I worry that those comments are bothersome to the blogger and other readers, although I don't mind them.

    I have my own blog where I post homemaking pursuits kind of like a gratitude journal and something for posterity. I have this image of a granddaughter looking through my posts someday and seeing things I did and learning about my day to day. I would have loved something like this to be done my own grandmothers. My children are young, so that granddaughter is a long way off, but who knows???

  17. I enjoy your blog very much. I hope you have a Happy Spring!

  18. Roxy,I always enjoy your blog.I like learning from those who are a bit further down the road of life than I am.I enjoy reading your ideas and seeing the pictures you post.I don't seem to comment much on blogs but I have a few that I read regularly.I find I need to limit how much and who I read.So many ideas out there...some good and some not so good!Your blog though is always a blessing to me.

  19. Hi Roxy,

    This is an interesting post! I have truly enjoyed connecting with like minded ladies over the years. I also enjoy the opportunity to share my interests with others. I don't always have as much time to blog or comment as I would like, but I try to catch up here and there throughout the week.

    I like all of the pictures you have from previous posts on your sidebar. All of the pictures are so lovely and if someone was new to your blog it would helps them get a feel for what you blog is about. I would love to do something similar with my own blog someday.

    May you have a blessed day!


    P.S. Love the picture of Hank!!

  20. Your blog is always a breath of fresh air, Roxy. While I don't visit as much as I used to {simply because "life" happens} I do enjoy the friendships, such as yours, that have been formed over the years. I think blogging is changing, but it's a blessing to be able to visit the blogs like yours that remain faithful and true.

    Thanks for being such a sweet blessing to so many. Love you!

  21. Roxy, I always value you posts and the info you share. I am glad you have been out there trying to help us stay safe. I was one in need of it back in 2014. I am so thankful I am not a lost sheep anymore and I have blogging friends like you! Thanks for visiting and commenting. I never knew you could add the liked reaction button either, I need to go look for that. Happy day my friend!

  22. Hello Roxy :0)

    I do agree with the ladies that have commented, that yes blogging is changing. Our culture does not want to talk or write, as much as pressing a double tap on a cell phone and a heart pops up.

    I miss blogging the way it used to be and find myself visiting spaces like yours, Lydia's and Stephanie's quite often. In fact, you were the ones that inspired me to become more feminine and modest as I began the journey of homeschooling my children and returning home from a full time job and business venture.

    I pray you continue to encourage all of us that visit you. I believe that blogging will continue to change as the culture changes...


  23. Hi Roxy, I love your blog but understand your desire to change things up. I too often have a hard time figuring out what to blog about or put on my blog. I want to thank you that you don't put ads on-they drive me crazy.
    Love your flag.

  24. I blog for the same reasons you do. It is an outlet of our thoughts feelings and emotions. I enjoy reading other peoples blogs as well. The sidebar is helpful in finding other blogs. I just went through all of them and followed a few. I've been blogging for nine years and I've found that over the years comments have dwindled down to only a few. There isn't much feedback. I think Instagram has replaced blogging for many. It isn't my thing and I still enjoy this so much more.
    xx Beca

  25. Hi Roxy,
    I don't have a blog of my own, but I follow a few about crochet, stitching, quilting, and painting. I found yours more than a year ago via enchantedrose or shegracesher home. From your sidebar, I think I found Homeliving. One I just discovered, which is not on your sidebar, but which reminds me of you is a blog called Jenny of elefantz ( She has a gentle, gracious spirit too, and makes pretty embroideries on floursack. On your blog I like to read and connect to your previous related posts. I prefer to wait to read it in the evenings at home on my Chromebook rather than try to read it on my phone. Kind thoughts to you. Alexine in Maryland

  26. Hi Roxy,
    I also blog for all the same reasons you do and I love all the friends I have made along the way. I think that because so many of my blogging friends are on IG, Facebook, Twitter etc, it's just a bit faster to stay in touch that way. Many times I read blog posts on my phone while waiting for appointments, etc and I do not like to comment with my phone because I am a real klutz with small keys. Have a great weekend!

  27. This is my first time on your blog. I've come over from Cranberry Morning, then Nana Diana. I like the way you described blogging as 'a classy magazine of real people.' So true!

  28. Hi dear Roxy,
    I've not been visiting blogs much lately. I'm just hanging on to Jesus right now... the author and finisher of my faith.

    I love the friendship we've been building over the last few years. The friendships I've gained through blogging are a treasured part of my life.

    Please keep the comments open. It's easier to connect.

  29. I love leaving comments and hearing also if others have comments to mine too. I learn so much from it all. I wish many of the women I see commenting lived near me. So many near us don't seem to care about home and home things. I have one blogger who does not have comments but you can e-mail her. I do that but the spontaneity of writing a comment after just reading the post is better. I forget so many of the things I wanted to comment on by the time I actually e-mail ! :) But I do love her blog and it is Her blog and it is a real blessing to my life. Each blogger should be allowed to follow what guidelines they want to set up when they blog. Thank you for taking so much time to have this blog up. Sarah

  30. Hi Roxy! I love how you blog, and how you share your heart!
    I blog because it's also my little part of the world that I can share what happens in my life. Mostly on a crafty note. I have noticed my blog changing...just as life is changing. I blog also because I like to connect with others...I hate that I get busy with life and miss visiting. One thing that has encouraged me (for I don't get many comments) is to go to blogger and see how many people visit. I find it encouraging that people to see what I post, even if they don't comment. Part of us social creatures is sharing our lives with others.
    I love to get glimpses into others lives and what the Lord is doing with them.
    I am so thankful that I am always welcome at your blog! Praying you have a splendid day!

  31. Well Roxy, I'm just catching up after being away and have been scrolling back through your posts. To be honest, I enjoyed my blog break and realize how much time blogging takes. I'm hesitant to jump back in as there's so many other things I want to do. And yet, I do love my blog friends and especially those like you who encourage us in our walks. Trying to find a way to balance it all . . . xo Deborah


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!