Friday, May 5, 2017

My Sewing Room Treasure...

Treasures, Living from glory to glory blog...

My Sewing Room...

I love little treasures, and one thing I have always loved
Is littles boxes and tiny chest with drawers.

With this little gem of a tiny little dresser is perfect
for my sewing room!

I take great pleasure in little things!
I do not require large amounts of money or expensive things!
Even though I could have many more if I wanted to.

But my joy and happiness is usually derived from simple and sweet!
I do not like large crowds, and all the busy fanfare.
I enjoy being surrounded by my treasures!
But not so many of them that it feels junky or overloaded!

I love to sew, yet I am not a seamstress.
I love fabric and buttons and trims!
I enjoy making curtains and crafts!
~My favorite thing to sew is Aprons~

Simple and easy are fun to me...

My sewing room is painted in a color called A Kiss Of Pink
And a light mint green on the bottom half!
~Roses all over~
My ironing board cover is in a Rose fabric
Rose pictures on the wall

Here is my sewing machine!

The desk that it sets on is perfect, as it has many nice large drawers
For fabric and bobbins and buttons and sharp scissors.

May Your Heart Be Filled With Sweet Treasures

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I love simple treasures as well!! :)

  2. Thank you for taking us for a glimpse of your sewing room. I thought the little drawers were much bigger until I saw it sitting on your desk. I think we are much alike. I'm happiest at home surrounded by the familiar. Crowds are not my thing at all. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Hi Roxy, your sewing room is such an inviting space to craft, sew and create the treasures you love. Slipping away in your special place among your collectibles is such a blessing. I can see you enjoying your crafty room for hours.
    Thank you fur the sweet mention. Your chest of drawers looks so perfect by your machine. I believe it is right at home with you!!
    Hugs and joys for a nice weekend ����‍��

  4. I love that you have a special room for sewing. I need to get all my stuff together and set up a complete area for sewing instead of going back and forth from area to area. Love your sweet room and that little treasured piece with the drawers. xo Diana

  5. I'm a pretty simple girl too Roxy! It's the little thing that make me the happiest. :) That little chest is too cute! I love the colors your room is painted as girly and feminine. I hope you are doing well and have a blessed weekend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  6. Such a lovely space! Little treasures are the best. I enjoy having a little spot to put my things. It makes the room look neater when there is a place for everything. Enjoy your cozy, feminine space.

  7. OOPs...I think I clicked the anonymos button by accident on my comment I just left!

  8. My sewing room is full of my little treasures as well. It is my favorite room in the house. I remember your ironing board cover. I bought one from the same girl. I love mine too. Your little box is adorable.

  9. Mmmmmm... yummy colors!
    How fun to sit in a room that makes you happy, doing something that also makes you happy!

  10. We have something else in common...I love to sew and especially, quilt. Hope you enjoy your apron. I love your blog!

  11. I so love your sewing room! I love your sewing desk with lots of room to create! Your little dresser is so cute on the desk. I love functional beautiful things!

  12. Oh how wonderful your sewing room is. I get a charge out of seeing other sewing rooms. Its so encouraging. Love the soft quiet colors and the little chest of drawers is just delightful. Did you paint it?
    I could just sit and enjoy that scene for the longest time.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a delightful space Roxy :0) as a fellow sewer, I also have a little corner which I enjoy quite a bit... thank you so much for sharing :D mari

  14. Such a pretty little treasure! I love boxes, drawers and little containers!

  15. Your sewing room and all it's pretty details looks like a delightful place to spend time, Roxy. Thanks for sharing it with us! Have a wonderful week.

  16. I thought I recognized Celeste's signature roses on that sweet little chest. My sewing/craft room is also pink!! It is lovely to have a place to keep all our supplies and make it pretty. I finally have a place to leave out my sewing machine. Now I just need to use it. :) Hope you're doing well Roxy; I have not been on IG or around to visit blogs all week or longer. Will have to fill you in on my busy doings. xo Deborah

  17. Dear Roxy:

    My sewing and craft room is pink too! And, it is full of my treasures!

    Mrs. B


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