Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Sunshine Even In The Storms... Living from glory to glory blog...

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Firstly, can you see the lovely handmade doily?
It was made special for me from a kind hearted friend!
Thank YOU Betsy!
I love it so much!
I will say she can whip these things out like magic!
But I know that for me, I do not do this kind of
Handiwork done with such skill.
Its tiny and intricate...
I  love these kind of treasures!

She is a sweet blogging friend and you can find her here;

The reason I am titling this post;
Sunshine even in the Storms is because in real life;
We will have storms, but I can promise you this.
If you will just be patient you will see the sunshine!
In all its glorious warmth and happiness.

We all ache and stumble and even fall down!
(That's another post)

We all have trouble with something!
The point is this;
We have to hold steady...
There is a plot to destroy each of us!
Sometimes with our own words and actions will cause a storm!

If I have learned one thing in this life, it is to hold ON!

I can remember as a young woman thinking how
can the whole world go on as if nothing special has happened?
Right after I gave birth or some tragic thing had just happened!
Well, it is because each of us go through our own trials;
In His perfect timing...
We are told to each carry our own load!
I get that,
And we should!

 But we can help another and lift them up once are trial is gone!

Sometimes we can have so many needs and prayer request;
But we can carry everything to the Lord in prayer!
 Take a rest...
Put your hand back on the plow!!

Break up the fallow ground
Plant Seeds

Thank you for stopping in and visiting this Blog
~Living From Glory To Glory~


  1. So true. One of my favorite children's books had a line in that "life goes on," and it does. We just have to learn to navigate it. A positive attitude helps a ton, and many times I need an attitude adjustment as I call them.

  2. Waiting patiently for the sunshine!

  3. So true Roxy, the sunshine does come after the storm, and usually with a rainbow, especially in spring! I love the handmade doily from Betty, she is very talented, what a special gift to treasure always! Have a wonderful first day of May :)

  4. What a beautiful blog. I want you to know that you have won the apron for April on my blog--My Mother's Apron Strings. Please send me your address and I will send it to you, XOXO Susan

  5. Oh, I am so happy that you like the doily. It looks beautiful on your table and hopefully will be a reminder to you that you have a friend thinking of you often.

    It is amazing how life goes on when you sometimes feel it should stopt isn't it? I remember when my mom died. I was 29 years old and we were driving in the funeral procession to the cemetery. Cars were passing by all around us, and I remember thinking, "my mother has just died how can life be going on as usual for these people?" I was devastated. As I have grown older, I have realized that your words are very true. We each have trials at different times and life does go on. Thank you for your wise words today.
    Blessings, Betsy

  6. Lovely thoughts - yes, those storms can sometimes drown us in sorrows, but remembering that God has a plan for us, even during the storms, we can look for the rainbow. Thank you for the encouragement, today. Sending hugs and blessings for your week. xx Karen

  7. Thank you for this post, Roxy. Sometimes it is hard to come through those storms and realize that no one else has been really affected by what has happened. We each have our own private story to tell and to live. I think it is great to help others as much as we can but sometimes we just have to face things all by ourselves. The truth is, we usually come away stronger than we did before the trial. xo Diana

  8. "Put your hand back on the plow!"
    Thank you dear Roxy!

  9. ...and if there were no storms, there would be no rainbow :)

  10. Hi Roxy,

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You're such an encouragement, not just to me but I'm sure to all who read your posts. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Thank you for your encouragement to hold on! We do each have our own load to carry, and I am so thankful the Lord is there with us enabling us to manage it. Praise God that He has given us one another to lean on and support each other. God is good! Heard you had quite the snow storm, and we just had a couple good earthquakes yesterday. Praying for you as you dig out!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!