Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Is Company...

Having A Few Good Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Two Is Company...

Being all by yourself, is not something that
is good to be all the time!

Having a Husband is a gift; Ask any widower what is is like to
Have lost their mate!

Being a good friend is so important!
Having a good friend is a treasure!

If God has given you a mate, consider it a gift!
Being alone is very unhealthy...
You become very self absorbed and may feel depressed.

But, we must also be able to be alone;

Walking alone for health benefits
Your quiet time with the Lord and being in His Word!
If the Lord should call your mate home and you are widowed!
Being alone is not a disease.

But even God said it is not good for man to be alone:
So He gave him a Helpmate.

Many of you may have many sibling's
Many of you may have come from a large family
Many of you may have a ton of friends.

But; Many ladies have their children all grown and moved away!
Your Siblings may live far away!
Your Friends are moving away to be closer to their grown children!
Many are downsizing for practical reasons!

So having a network of a few friends that can be trusted is a gift!

So, you may need to jump start a few friendships in this season
Sometimes, or maybe all the time you will have to be the 
One who reaches out!

Do it!!!

Make The phone call
Write that letter
Plan a get together
Do something pro-active...

May your Husband be your dearest and closes friend!
But, Keep a few girlfriends close to your heart!


  1. Wonderfully and beautifully said!

  2. So very true and encouraging. Thank you!
    xx Beca

  3. All so very true. My husband is my best friend but I also have some good friends to count on.

  4. Very good post and very true! I like moments of quiet, but I love time with my hubby or a good friend.

    Enjoy your week! It's gonna be a hot one! ;)

    Hugs, Amy

  5. Your posts always make me smile.

  6. This is so true. I am blessed to have a husband, but I am grateful to have several wonderful friends who enrich my life so much. Recently, after a serious health issue, major surgery, and currently in recovery, these friends have proved invaluable to me and in addition to my faith, have kept me positive and cheerful.

    I wouldn't have known what to do without them.


  7. I think on another one of your posts, I read Betsy's comment and thought, my comment would be the same as hers, and here again I would say "My husband is my best friend, but I am thankful for a few close friends (and family) nearby. Lovely post - thankyou :)

  8. I love the red chairs and you're so right about Two is Company! Your post put a smile on my face, XOXO

  9. Wonderfully written and such thoughtful and true words! I will make that phone call......thank you for the inspiration! xx K

  10. I love that! Two is company. That is the best part of being married...knowing that you always have someone there to spend time with. Not constantly of course. :) My husband is my best friend, and it is always nice to have a few friends who are true friends that you can totally be yourself with.
    It is good to have also those times of just being alone. I find that sometimes I will find myself in a spot while everyone else is busy off doing things....and I just enjoy the moment of aloneness.

  11. Hi Roxy,

    When I announced my breast cancer to my Facebook friends (land of mile wide inch deep friendships), I was surprised to be contacted by an old friend that I've only actually seen a few times over the years. We never were in regular contact. But, like Anne and Diana, she seemed a kindred spirit.

    Well, she offered to accompany me to a chemo treatment. I've asked God to put the right people in place for me, so I said yes, and explained what would be involved. She eagerly said yes.

    Yesterday, she spent her entire day driving to my town to pick me up, driving me to chemo in a nearby city, spending a surprisingly wonderful day (in between my naps), and bringing me home. Then she asked to take me again! We're going together again next month! It was just wonderful to rediscover our friendship.

    God has a way of bringing friends to us when we need them, but we must always be on the lookout for ways to reach out to others as well.

    Another little miracle, my chemo nurse is an old acquaintance from a church we attended over twenty years ago. She has been so wonderful to me, and the past acquaintance made the whole process a little less scary.

    So yes, your article is right on target.
    I know if we didn't live two states apart, you'd be a friend I'd be calling to visit. God bless you, and Amy, too!

    Mrs. Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  12. I enjoy spending time with my hubby, and I also have fun with my friends. It's good to mix things up!! lol
    I also enjoy my time with the Lord...I feel that's the time I feel the best.
    Thank you for your words of wisdom, Roxy.
    Love you.

  13. When you reach out, you might be helping the other person and yourself.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!