Monday, October 9, 2017

Are You Feeling a Bit Like A Dried Out Rose...

Dried Roses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Dried Roses...

I am having my Blog updated this week on a few new things!
My designer has just added a few more Roses to my header!
Do You Like It?
Really can you ever have to many Roses
(Don't even answer that one)

When I have been given a bouquet of Roses;
I take super good care of them, change the water every other day!
I add a little bit of sugar to the water!
But when I first get them, I give them a little bit of a snip off the bottom.

I think you can always do a little bit of dried rose decorating around your home!

Sometimes I like just placing a dried rose in front of a photo;
Especially our wedding photo and our two grown child's wedding photos!

I have a few in my china hutch that are extra special that I have saved!

But sometimes they just start to look dusty and faded;
So then I have to throw them away.

Do you ever just buy yourself flowers?
I do once in awhile.
I find that arranging flowers in a pretty vase inspires me!
Sometimes they are fresh and other times they are wild ones.
And I so enjoy dried Roses, but I enjoy the ones you purchase Fake
Plastic ones at its best, they look so real now days.

I wanted to mention if you're ever interested in a great Web designer;
Look at this  Shabby Creations Shop!

Are you weary and feeling a bit dried out yourself?

Well, write a list for yourself!
Write down all the things to help you have a better routine:

Here is mine, I just wrote out this morning.

Ride My Exercise Bike

Practice Piano

Take A Walk

Work On Crochet Projects

Eat Very Few Carbs

Drink Enough Water

Check Blood Pressure

No Salt

No Dairy

Sounds boring, but having a list to remind one's self is wise!

I didn't list my Bible reading because that and other things I do
with no problems. These are established routines!
 It is these are pesky things I must do to stop myself
From Drying Out...


  1. Hi Roxy,
    sometimes I feel like a dried dusty old rose, either because I'm dehydrated or because I feel useless. To remedy that, I go take a nice hot shower, plaster myself with moisturizer, drink lots of water and wear a pretty dress.
    Then I read or remember scriptures. This both hydrates me and makes me know that I'm never too old or useless to be used of he Lord for his good works.


  2. Good post Roxy! I wake up each morning excited (and thankful) and looking forward to seeing what God has for me in His word, yet other things do seem to get dried out. Sometimes I do make list. I love your header and NO you can NEVER have too many Roses!

  3. Good morning Roxy, I always enjoy your letters. I like to buy fresh flowers once a month and place them in a pretty vase. Flowers always bring me a little joy and they bring beauty into my home.

    1. Dolores, I enjoy your comments! You are so right abour flowers bringing beauty into our homes!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Little Man, You have good taste and you did help me choose which Roses to use!!

  5. Love the new little things added to your blog. You just can never go wrong with roses!

    I love little lists, as I have them in my journal, on my mirror in the bathroom, on my kitchen cabinets. Lists are great!

    Have a cozy evening!

  6. I love that you have roses around your blog, and your home! They are so beautiful and really make things more pleasant! I rarely get fresh flowers unless they're picked from the great outdoors in the summer. Perhaps I'll find some to bring home soon. They do make me happy! I have african violets that flower a lot and cheer me. We are expecting snow this week, there was some that came down last night a few miles from us. I was walking about our yard today and noticed some of the little ferns on the ground had all turned brown except for the very ends that looked similar to maple leaves in colour and shape.

    I do feel dried out at times. I just pray Lord what would you have me do? Perhaps I'm a "Martha", but doing things for others seems to bring me back to life.
    Thank you for your encouraging blog, it is also such an encouragement to me. You seem to word things just right. Praying you have a beautiful day!

  7. Oh yes...those dried roses. I do the same as you with them and I also have a huge bunch of them in a plastic bin to protect them until I use them. I just cannot throw out a rose and they are SO beautiful when they are dried! My sweet hubby always makes sure I have fresh flowers but I have also bought some myself every now and then. I do love the way they enhance your blog header!

  8. I just love the roses in your header! So very pretty!
    You can never have enough roses!
    And yes, I make lists and places them everywhere. Great way to inspire myself each day.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Amy!! So glad you love Roses too...
      Better check my list for todays chores and reminders :o)

  9. I have been given so many fresh flowers lately--I've been spoilt. I love putting flowers around the house. We need to get some string so we can dry some of our flowers.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!