Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunny Disposition...

Sunny Disposition, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


~Hello Sunshine~

I have noticed that many people really respond to a sunny disposition!

When you feed the sweet spot of being a happy person,
Being happy is not always a natural disposition.

I try daily to make a choice to have a good disposition;

I wanted to share a thought I had today about just putting on a fake smile
Or an attitude that is just plain put on.

Are you just pretending to be happy or loving?

May, I suggest that you might review your words and heart attitude;
Because I think we need to know we are being true to real gratitude!

I remember the movie called Angry Birds
Not really sure what it was all about;
But I know that I am seeking to overcome the doom and gloom
That prevails our culture

Where is your sweet spot?

Being present in each season or day and make the decision to
choose a sunny disposition.

I do not want to be in a position that I have many regrets;
Of missing all that truly matters.

I send out this letter to all that desire to be filled with hope and grace!

Everything does not have to be perfect!
But your heart and disposition must put off the fragrance of love!

Being challenged in times of business or stress or sickness;
Does not need to rule the resolve to be Sunny in all situations!

Not by power, or might, but by my Spirit
Thus sayeth the scripture...

~Christ being formed in me~

Humbly, growing in grace and endurance and love...

Living From Glory To Glory



  1. Good Morning. I so enjoy your letters to us. My hope is in Christ and with prayer He always encourages me to allow Him to renew my womanly heart. I believe Christ is actively doing everything He can to teach me His grace, His Peace and His strength and His love.

  2. Wonderful thoughts today. I am a person who has to work at being joyful in all things. I am a natural worrier and I know scripture tells me not to. Believe me, I have many scriptures posted in prominent places reminding me to not worry and to be joyful. Thank you for yet another reminder.

  3. A sunny disposition does make our environment more cheerful, and rubs off on those around us.
    I'm not always a sunny person, but when the genuine smiles and attitudes come, it makes everything better!
    I was busy today trying to write a letter. My oldest son was lonely and asked if I'd play with him and the walkie talkies. At first I said no, but when he came back to me and said that no one could play either....I reluctantly gave in. Then as he went about from place to place...checking in with me, I started to make little funny comments and his whole world changed. I even asked him to check the laundry, which led to him pulling out clothes from the dryer and folding them while checking in with me on the walkie talkie. lol Such a little effort of cheer changed everything for my son today!

    On days when we can't muster a smile, it is always good to talk to the Lord!

    1. My kids have grown so fast. My youngest son is 18 and so busy with his plans and his life. I miss the close times. Enjoy them.

  4. Hi Roxy,
    I aim to keep a sunny disposition too! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. Blessings!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!