Saturday, February 10, 2018

How Taking A Nap Is Pure Wisdom...

The Wisdom In Tking A Nap, Living From glory To Glory Blog

~Taking Naps And Refreshing Ones Self~

I have had this thought in my heart for many weeks;
I truly think we are living in a culture of crash and burn!

No one takes time to rest and refresh their hearts and the mind for;
Even a few minutes in any given day!

Napping is lost in a world of go and do...
It always reminds me of the hamster on that little wheel going
Nowhere really fast.

There seems to be a bit of guilt for needing or wanting to take a little rest
in any part of your day. I am not suggesting hours,
20-30 minutes if possible!
And not everyday, dear ones, but as needed!
Some seasons and days are just more trying than others!

But in times of undo stress or winter days, or blazing heat;
We need to stop and rest in a comfy chair or couch or even your bed.
It use to be very common for a home or a bedroom to have
A lounge chair.
Keeping this in mind, we can have a little pillow and blankets handy,
For such a quick cat nap...

We are so busy are minds can become stressed and cluttered;
Learning to take stock in a few moments of down time can refresh
you so very much, you will feel renewed.
Not grouchy or cranky!
Those character traits are the very reason we put our little ones
down for a nap!
(You remember the attitude of that child that happened to miss nap time)

When I look at how even God allows His creation to rest!
Winter comes and plants rest in a dormant state.
Even some wildlife migrates or hibernates.

Take time and read and put your feet up!

I was deeply troubled to read an article on how many deaths happen
Because drivers fall asleep at the wheel.

Anyone who suffers from insomnia can tell you the disruption
lack of sleep will cause you!
So if we can stop feeling guilty and rest more often'
We will have greater clarity and a kinder disposition.

Are You A Napper...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I love a good nap and like you said it provides just enough to refresh you to get you to bed time. ;)

    I don't want to rush and run through this life. I want to enjoy each moment at a time. Refreshed and relaxed!
    I hope you are staying warm and cozy today. It is so cold outside! Brrr!!

    Hugs, Amy

  2. I nap according to how hard I've been working. For example: two weeks ago I was planting a small orchard of fruit trees and had to come in to stop to eat and nap about every three hrs because I was totally exhausted. On days when I do housework, I may only take a short 15 min. break and put my feet up. A good deep nap is often required to get me through a very stressful or heavy laborious day.
    For the past yr I have been babysitting my two great-granddaughters, 4 days a week for up to 22 hrs a day. They are very younng and lively. At 68 yrs myself, it's a fultime job. I require more rest than a yr ago. Hah!
    God sure knew what he was doing when he gave babies to young folks!

  3. Wise words. When I was still teaching I almost always came home and laid down on the couch for about 20 minutes. These days I still stop and rest when I have been going at for awhile. Just a little 15 minute stop does wonders for your mind and body.

  4. Oh- I wish I could nap. I can't---unless I am terribly sick. If, for some strange reason, I do fall asleep during the day I wake up feeling disoriented, groggy and half sick.
    My hubby can lay down and fall asleep in about 2 or 3 minutes.
    Hope you have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana

  5. The trouble for me is, if I take a nap (actually sleep), I can’t sleep at night. BUT... I do take time in the afternoon to rest with my feet up. It’s essential!!

  6. Oh, you're speaking my language, haha! I love naps. But I have to be careful because it can disrupt my sleep. I don't dare catch more than a little 10-15 minute shut-eye very occasionally. But I do put my feet up for tea! xo Deborah

  7. A timely post Roxy, thank you. I do allow myself to close my eyes and rest after a busy morning..just 10 - 15 minutes. Lately I've allowed myself to sit down for a while and simply read in the afternoon (I know it's not napping), but after the way I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off the last few years, it's a huge shift for me. I like the slower me. Blessings to you ~ Linda

  8. "There seems to be a bit of guilt..."

    So true! There's an old saying, "Guilt is not of God."

    (Conviction is. Conviction says change this, guilt says you are a big piece of crap and should just give up!)

  9. HI Roxy, I'm a napper, and a happy one! Just a few minutes is enough to give renewed strength and a happier countenance. Time well spent! Many don't understand why, but when you are on call 24/7 one needs to be able to do these little things to help them through the day so they can in a cheerful way serve their families.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!