Wednesday, July 19, 2023

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood...

Don't Be Easialy Offended, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood,
The Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19

Sometimes you may feel all alone, But it is not true dear ones!

We can all see a fundamental change that is being implemented!
Many true Americans still believe in one nation under God...
There are many that have been groomed to see a greater good!
But it is a lie!

Everything does seem a bit off!
But none of this is a surprise to God.
We are in a battle daily!
There is a spiritual fight to rob you of your peace!
And we all know the enemy will use other people.
But don't take the bait...

I read a book years ago call the Bait Of Satan
By John Bevere

I do not endorse this author personally, as it was a Bible study
we did many years ago.)

The main point in this book was this;

~Don't Be Easily Offended~

I have seen and heard about more people that have been
just lambasted lately!
Maybe it's the heat!
Maybe they are just not able to regulate their emotions.

I do know even for myself, 
I have been on the receiving end of these assaults.

Just remember when you are falsely accused;
Remember who the accuser is!
The enemy has to use someone to hurt you.

It may take you a little while, but just forgive them!
Because if you don't it will stop you from doing what God
 Has given you to do!

Sometimes it's just easier to limit your time with others.
Stay off social media more.
(There's better things to do with your time)

Be very wise in truly knowing who is a friend!

Keep to yourself more...

Be kind as you can be!

But stop being naive about the dangers in our world!

And I am so sorry for any of you that have been attacked or accused;
Especially when you know in your heart you did nothing wrong.

Many times it is from the accusers own pain and rejection.

You do not need to try and vindicate yourself.
Just ask God for wisdom and repent for anything 
You may have been wrong about.

Check to see if there is any motive that doesn't please the Lord.

Remember do not take the bait from satan; 
He is a liar and he causes division and destroys
Whoever and whatever he can!

Stay strong
Stay focused
Stay close to the Lord Jesus


Forgive others
Forgive yourself
Forget and keep moving ahead...

Blessings, Roxy

Everyday Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I agree with everything you said Roxy. It seems that most everyone is just waiting to attack about any little thing that they perceive as a slight, even if it's not. And golly, don't disagree with them, because they are right and you are wrong. Especially if your point is Biblical. The world is not my home, I'm just passing through. I repeat those words often these days.

  2. Amen, and Amen. We truly are living in times where John 3:19-21 is exceedingly evident, particularly " loved darkness rather than light..."

  3. This is excellent advice. I hope you are doing well. God bless you!

  4. Such a timely message. You are so right, the Bible tells us Satan stands in the presence of God day and night accusing believers. Yeah, we have an Advacate that replies, that's forgiven, that's under my blood, that's MY child! Because we believe the the Bible is the True Word of God, we know our world is not going to get better, we know end times are close when we see the evil and unbelief in our society and around the world. Our job, pray and keep sowing seed. Thanks again for your thoughtful and insighful articles.

  5. Thank you Roxy for this great bit of encouragement. I agree that people get offended by every little thing. Its really rather sad.

  6. So many are taking offense today - great advice dear friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!