Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Learning To Adjust And To Wait While In Transition...

Yellow Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Sometimes we will find ourselves in the middle of two seasons.
Then again we will find ourselves in the middle of two situations.

Many times we will not have an immediate transition;
But rather a slow process...

It gives us a chance to adjust
We learn patience, as we wait for the completion.

We will find ourselves in the process of waiting most our days!

When we are in the end days of winter, we can hardly wait for Spring!
When we are in the dog days of Summer, we look forward to winter!

Adapting to change is a powerful witness!
We will say as good Christians;
God's timing is perfect...
But are attitude and actions speak a different story.

There are ways to make the best of our time and response to
all the waiting we will do in our lifetime!

Time to be born and a time to die...

Firstly, we must pray, look to your Father and tell Him your concerns!

Take the opportunities given to say something that holds truth!

Stop complaining...
Lord, set a guard over my mouth!

Find peace in staying put, till God moves you!

When I leave the house, I take along a pretty bag;
Keep this bag, by your purse!
Content Ideas
 Note cards to write little encouragement cards.
Keep a good book or magazine in your bag.
Always have a snack of nuts or power bars to eat.
(When you're hungry you can get Hangry) (Hungry) (Smiles)
Keep bottled water in your bag.

I  always try to be prepared to wait...

Are You In The Process Of Change?
Have You Learned To Wait Well?

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Thank you. I needed this little message this morning.
    Little message= big meaning!
    Thank you, Roxy.
    God bless

  2. What a lovely post, my friend, and such a good reminder! I always appreciate your words of wisdom :)

    I hope you are well, sweey Roxy. And I hope you had a nice Resurrection Sunday. I was richly blessed by the ecard you sent my family and me...thank you!

    You are never far from my thoughts. Love to you!

  3. What a wonderful message this morning. I fear I have been guilty of this over the past year with all of my health issues. I pray all the time that God would use these trials to teach me patience and that I would get better in His time. And then I get frustrated because it’s taking so long. I also like your idea of taking a bag along. I always take a little bit of knitting with me and a bottle of water so I can stay calm when I’m waiting at various places . Thank you again.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. Waiting can be hard, I am slowly learning to wait on the Lord in this new season of life. He is showing me daily His plans for me.
    Love your idea of the bag you have packed and ready to go when you leave the house, need to make one up for myself!

  5. Thank you for this post it is so very meaningful at the moment, I shall wait and pray.
    God bless you Sue

  6. Waiting is so hard and it can make me impatient. I don't want to be impatient. I want to wait on God's perfect timing. But it's still hard as the days, months, years pass by. I know that God is in control, and HIS timing is ALWAYS right. Thank you for the sweet post.

  7. Yes, I am definitely there...right in the midst of change and as you probably know, the plans have had to change a bit. I prayed in the very beginning that I only wanted to move to TN when it was right with God and I have to admit that I was feeling rushed. God knows best and He will be right there telling us when it's OK with Him. Greta post, Roxy! HUGS!

  8. Always encouraging letters you write to us. Thank you for taking the time to write your womanly thoughts to us.

  9. I am NOT a good waiter, for anything!! your "bag" idea is great!! I am becoming discouraged waiting for this Winter to end!! For life situations I become anxious, and find myself praying for God to work within my time frame, instead of waiting for HIS plan to be accomplished. I KNOW He knows best!! and HE lets me know that!! lol

  10. Thank you for this very timely encouragement! I am struggling with spring dragging it's heals. I know that God has a time for everything. I love your suggestions for your bag that you take to use to "wait". One should not be complaining when there can be joy in the interim.

  11. I love your suggestion of having a bag ready to go at a moment's notice. What a great idea! And it is so true that sitting and waiting in a transition period is quite hard. We are having an exceptionally cold and wet spring this year, and of course all of us are longing for the spring blooms! But there are lessons to be learned in waiting too, and patience is never a fun one! Blessings to you sweet Roxy, always a joy to read your posts :)

  12. Oh my, there is so much waiting in this cancer treatment phase I'm in. I do look forward to it being over next fall or winter. In the meantime, I wait for appointments, I wait for drugs to be set up in my iv machine, I wait for them to finish treatments, I wait for the doctor, and on and on. I've been taking book or knitting with me to help to pass the time. Be blessed my friend, and thank you for writing such encouraging essays.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!