Friday, June 22, 2018

Home Coming...

Contentment, Living from glory to glory blog...

Greetings, May I encourage those that are weary today;
Many have gone before us that have had really  tough times.

But, I love to read a story or watch a movie that displaces the
inward virtue of making the best of every situation!

I have found that being out in the world shopping and buying;
has a way of actually leaving one a bit deflated.

I understand we all need to work and bring in a income,
at some time of our lives. But what I am referring to is this;
"Wanting To Be Home"

I have seen the loss and devastation of homes being broken,
And empty feeling
The loss of the value of the families and home chores and production!

Or even the loss art of being quiet and still for a little each day!

Every time we come HOME from being gone or shopping;
Even coming back from a vacation we always say;
"There Is No Place Like HOME"

I have seen such a lack of contentment!
Maybe it is from the entitlement mentality we have allowed
We all just want way to much...

So many even no longer take care of what they already have!

Look, I want peace in my heart and in my HOME!
This world is running after something that is not really satisfying

If you have never learned to be content; then you will always
Live in the gimme gimme stage and never mature.

I hope when I go to my heavenly HOME,
I pray my children and grandchildren do not
Say well, why did she keep this old thing!

I do not like clutter, but if its still good keep it!
Or give it to someone who will be blessed!

Take Care Of What God has given you!

Make Your Home A Haven...


  1. I was talking about that with a friend today. I took a whole library of books that I had read to a store that will resell them. It felt GOOD!
    I think the email thing is fixed for me now! Hope so anyway! xo Diana

  2. Your letter to us today is so filled with truth.Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

  3. Wonderful post. Very timely and true.

  4. Good reminders as usual. I have been feeling so tired and weary. This cancer treatment has been long. It's taken a toll on my body. I look forward to regaining strength and stamina again so that I can take better care of my home and my family.
    God bless you,
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    Carthage, Missouri

  5. Remolding our home, I have come to appreciate what we have and be content with where we are. You alwsys have away of making us stop, look, listen.

  6. Hi Roxy! We just got back from a wonderful vacation, but I have to agree. There is no place like home! I have a few appointments this week, and I just want to stay home and do some cooking and cleaning and organizing. xo Deborah

  7. Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I am waiting for your further post thank you
    once again.

  8. Hi Roxy! There truly isn't any place like home.
    I have started to look at my home in that way to...I don't want anyone, including my children to think "why did Mom even have this?". A purpose for everything in the home is best...even if all it is, is to make someone smile.
    Praying you have a blessed day!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!