Monday, August 27, 2018

Can You Tell The Differnce Between The Real And The Mass produced...

Fresh Veggies, Living From Glory To glory Blog

Garden Fresh

Can you tell the difference between the real and mass produced?

Sliced Tomatoes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The real will have a fragrance and a taste that can not be truly imitated!
It will not be perfect in size or shape!

We are living in a time of the mass produced and the knock off variety;
Art Work
Even what is written may bot be authentic!

Be your very own best self!
The way you cook and prepare food is just your taste!
You dress with your own style and flare!
The purse you carry says I got it in the bag!
Your time is the gift you have been given to day!
What you draw or sew or even when taking pictures, tells a story!
Write from your heart, and choose your words with a word picture!

Have you ever bought something thinking it was the real deal?
Buying something you thought was nothing great;
And found out it was priceless?

I Love to iron my clothing, even my T-shirts!
It always makes me feel a calming sense;
like everything is okay...
Ironed T-shirts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everything can have an artful dash to it!
I enjoy painting in this season of my life.
Watercolor Painting, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

I was thinking about how hard everything can be!
We can say over and over again
"If Only"

There are no ifs...

And then...

You are the author of your life;
Write the story well!
Give God time and room to work in all things!
Be wise, yet be a gentle spirit as the world has to many hard noses!

If you are in a tough season, do not be so hard on yourself.

I am a happy person, because it is a choice!
We are not to be a social gospel, but rather a heart for home;
And our mission field is our plot of land and home!
"No matter the size"
Be real!

Stop being angry or afraid, it will produce a rotten life...
You can do this, because God's got this!
just hang onto His Hands...

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I love to iron too! It is relaxing and gives me a good excuse to watch a movie or listen to a book.

  2. This just really blessed me Mrs. Roxy. Thank you! I bet those fresh tomatoes will be good with that cucumber hanging out in the back :) They are so beautiful looking. I like that line "Be your very own best self!" I will continue to work on doing that with God's help.

  3. What a lovely post thank you Roxy.

  4. Hi Roxy,
    Spending some time catching up today, been away from blogging a bit! Yes I can tell the difference between store bought and garden fresh! Nothing like a garden fresh tomato! I also prefer handmade to store bought!!!! I love to iron too...I even ironed sheets the other day because the wide band of lace came out of the dryer all wrinkled. Now that's not pretty, is it?? Have a lovely day!!!

  5. Well spoken and well written my friend.
    Life sometimes seems like it gets harder and harder.
    I am going to work around my home today, go see my son
    in the hospital, and take my daughter to meet a friend at
    the local coffee shop.
    Enjoy your day,

  6. I read a book years ago and it changed my outlook on life. "It Takes So Little to Be Above Average" by Florence Littauer. I taught this to my children, too.
    This post has the same qualities that Florence revealed to me.
    We can't get enough encouragement!
    You deliver it in abundance.

  7. How wonderful it is to just realize who the Lord has made us to be and to be content with that. We can enjoy this place called home, where the Lord has given us a mission. It is so true that we all have our own way of doing things, and ways of dressing and what not. Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Thank you for sharing your blog zI follow your Daughter and Son in law OutofGoshen on youtube now I will be following and reading your wisdom as well! God bless!

  9. Reading over a couple of you blog posts. I am here from the Goshen vlog also! Thank you so much for the words in this entry. I've been going through a rough patch the last few years and This is exactly what I am trying to keep remembering every day! Your words hit home!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!