Friday, November 16, 2018

Beware Of Empty Conversations...

Light Upon Our Words, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Empty Conversations

I have been thinking a lot about the time I use every day in my
conversations. Now, that being said, what I am thinking is this.

Are my words in my conversations considered;
Shining sparkles of truth and joy?
Is what I am hearing from others considered worth repeating?

There are many people who talk incessantly and never say anything worth repeating.

We need to ask ourselves if our conversations are built on
Empty, idle words, not even worth remembering.

We all know of at least one person that just talks and talks!

But when you walk away or hang up the phone;
Do you feel comforted?
Do you feel like a word of encouragement had been given?
Can you repeat what you have heard?
Was the conversation considered noble or good?

Life is short and the days are even shorter;
So may we all be mindful of our conversations!

We all laugh over the quote
Blah, Blah, Blah!

But truly are we doing the same thing?
Do we just talk to hear ourselves?

May our words be few,
 But chosen like a beautiful ripe piece of fruit
Or flowers that smell heavenly!
If our words cannot equate to a bowl of luscious fruit!
Or make a lovely banquet of flowers.
Be still and ask the Lord for His Words!

Blessings To All Of You;
May This Letter Inspire You To Use Your Words Well!
For as always I desire to live from Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy


  1. It is good to try to always say something encouraging or uplifting in conversations. This is a good reminder!

  2. Pondering your every word...
    Reflecting and making sure my words are "like a beautiful ripe piece of fruit
    Or flowers that smell heavenly!".

    Thank you for giving us such worthy post.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. So very, very true, Roxy. I know someone that talks and talks and talks and never says anything. She is one of those people that I can't wait to 'get away from'. lol
    Have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana

  4. Thank you for your encouraging letter to us today.

  5. So very wise to consider our words. Whether they be many or few.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!