Saturday, January 5, 2019

Impulse Buying Or Giving Thanks...

Give Thanks, Dangers Of Impulse Buying, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...

Impulse Buying

I have had this word rolling around in my head for days now.
Impulse Buying...

What does this mean?
What are the ramifications of this type of behavior?

So, now I ask myself;
Self are you buying this thing as in impulse reaction to a need or a want?
Self says, but it's on sale and I love the way it looks.

So as I have been pondering my own reaction and response to shopping.
If I will just stop and learn to give thanks for what I already have,
And stop just buying things and stuff...
Just because it's on sale or your buying two and get one half off.
And all these discount coupons from major stores and sale sheets,
you get weekly
Are just really all a gimmick to get me and you to buy!

Now, it does not even matter if I already have two of them!

We all have heard by now of the availability of ordering your groceries online.
 Now at first I thought this was ridiculous.
But I did put in my first order last week,then I picked my items up,
 On the very next day!

And you know what I got?
ONLY Everything that my shopping list had on it.
NO extra cookies, NO extra Junk Foods, NO Candy

And all I could think of was how much money I saved!!

Truly, we are creatures of sense of smell, and all that looks appealing!

So when you can learn to think before you just buy something;
You can retrain your brain and change your purchasing habits.

I want to use my monies wisely!
I want to purchase good wholesome food!
I want to use what I purchase!

What is impulse buying?
It is when we purchase something without considering the cost or need!
There is a consequence to buying things that are not needed!
We train ourselves and feed our temptations with stuff!

After all, we live in a world of consumerism till we overflow.

Well, here is where I am...
I hope to buy what I need and enjoy what I have!
To be mindful of all that I purchase...

And I have made a resolution to not make any resolutions!
That way I bet I can keep to my resolution this time!

I just hope to always try to do better!

As Always,
Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Hi Roxy, so true Satan loves to snare us with impulse things just like he did Adam and Eve in the garden and we see it pleasant to the eyes etc and think yes this is good!
    May Ogd keep us as faithful stewards of the things He has given us and and also of our time.
    Whatsoever ye do. Do all to the glory of God.
    God bless,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  2. My husband catered a wedding a couple weeks ago. He used the ordering service at Walmart. He loved it.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. Hello Roxy

    I enjoyed this post.

    I just had this experience at the store last week....I almost spent a chunk of money and then heard that still small voice reminding me to ponder what I was doing and was it a need.

    It sure felt good to walk put of the store with my money and to say no to spending what wasn't really needed.

    As Grandma said...use it up, wear it out, make it do and do without.

    Hugs from Shirley


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