Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Use Your One Talent...

Use Your Talent Well, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

If Only...

Do you use what is in your hand?
If you will only use today the one talent God has given you today!
We do not save up our God given little gifts;
They must be used daily...

Use this one gift for God's glory today;
And he will give you more!

Sometimes we do not realize what talent we are holding in our hands.
If we will just do our little duties faithfully!
By doing this with a bit of love our skill and awareness and ability will grow.

~ I have a saying, life is too short for a bad cup of coffee ~

Even been known for making a great cup of coffee or tea is special!

We are to never stop learning and growing in using our talents for
Homemaking and keeping the home fires burning.
Things are truly getting becoming out of proportion to what is considered
A talent that is either great or useful.

I think we have so many books written on how to do everything,
We have access to so much information!

But if we will but take one thing daily and use this for our home and loved ones!

We all have something in our hands daily!
Use it to bring peace and calming, to our homes!

We all need a place to feel safe and warm and loved;
And to be able to expand our ability to give and learn!

Two examples asked in the Bible;

What do you have in your house? 
2Kings 4:1-7
(She had a little oil)

What do you have in your hand?
Exodus 4:20
(He held a staff)

There are so many that grow discouraged by doing only little tasks!
But, it is the little daily tasks that keep  our lives running smoothly.

Truly, faithfulness shall never regard what is done in faith as small or unimportant!

Dear Ones; Use Your One Talent Today...

Much Love and Appreciation for all your reading and comments on this blog!
Encourage someone today...
One kind Word can keep a person going for another day...

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Thank you for this post today Roxy. I have been so discouraged at not being able to do the things I normally do because of my health issues, that I have really let it get me down at times. And then I look around and realize that my house is clean, maybe not the deepest darkest corners clean as I used to have it, but it is “company clean”. I’m still able to fix simple meals for my husband and myself. Maybe not the fancy ones that required me to stand in the kitchen for hours at a time, but we are eating good nutritious food. I am still able to knit and crochet for charity and keep our own clothes clean with the washer and dryer. I am blessed. I need to remember that and not be discouraged. Another benefit is that having to sit so much of the time gives me plenty of time to read my Bible. And what could be better than that? Have a lovely day my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. You are so right, Roxy! I forget this at times because I take my eye off the moment. Have a blessed week, my friend. {{hugs}}

  3. Thank you for this encouraging post Roxy.

    I really enjoyed the reminder of the oil and the woman who had nothing to give.....but God used it and met the needs they had.

    I often feel I have little to bring to the Lord or others, yet I know that if Jesus takes it and puts it to use blessings will come forth.

    I am blessed by your words today

    Love from Shirley

  4. So agree Roxy, I’m reading through Exodus at the moment and it always shocks me Moses reaction to the Lord’s seemingly simple request. And so the Lord brought in Aaron and problems associated with him as Moses mouthpiece... human failings....
    May we be ever faithful in Big and small things.. and may we learn from the examples before us in the Word, and only follow in true faithfulness to our Gods commands.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  5. What a lovely post, Roxy. We should never grow weary of doing nice things, and serving others. You are such an inspiration.

  6. Yes, yes, yes! What a timely reminder and encouragement! God calls us to be faithful with whatever gifts He has blessed us...there is nothing small if it is what the Lord has given to us. My husband recently shared with me that the series they are covering during their Men's Bible study pointed out that while men may be the leaders of the home, women are the anchors...using their skills to "anchor" or maintain the orderliness and calm of the home...of the family...and that blesses everyone that enters their home! Home needs to be a "refuge" when all around the world is a "storm."
    (PS. I also wanted to thank you for your response to my prior comment. It touched my heart that God was so gracious to allow me to know that you had truly been blessed by my comment! Thank you so much for "returning" the blessing! (-: )

  7. Dear Roxy, yourself and Lydia (of Home Living) have lifted me out of many a bleak day over the past few years. You point out the important things in life and have reminded me to be appreciative of the small (and important) things in life. God bless you abundantly for the time you spend on your blog posts. As you press the 'send' button you have no idea how it might be helping a stranger many thousands of miles away. Love from the U.K.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!