Saturday, April 27, 2019

Just A Little Bit...

Enjoy Life, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Just A Little Bit

As I have aged and grown in many things;
I have realized that it's always the little bits here and there that stand out!

Finding pleasure and joy in the midst of trials and testing.

When we no longer take for granted the little bits!

Someone offers you a huge slice of chocolate cake;
And you reply back, well maybe just a little bit!

We all can get overwhelmed with all that's  on our plates.
But when we move forward and try to do just a little bit;
It will become manageable!

When I was younger,
 I was able to vacuum and clean my whole house in a day!
Now days it may take me all week, because I will see
project that needs to be done.

I love to embroider, and I love to sew, and to read
And I love to paint, and to bake, Fellowship with others!
This time of year I love to plant my flowers and veggies.
But None of us can do it all!

Be kind to yourself as you slow down a little bit
(pun intended)

We should not be robbed of life's joys!
No matter how tough times were, I always did a little bit to
help me keep myself in a creative state!
If you become drained of all your resources, you will have nothing to give!

When we allow the good and healthy things into our lives;
We will have something to refresh others!

Just a Little Bit
Can go a very long way!

Just make sure the Little Bit is something that brings glory to God!

Enjoy The Little Bit Today

Always, Living From Glory To Glory
Roxy xo


  1. Wonderful thoughts today. It takes me so much longer to do anything and physically? Well, lets just say my body isn't cooperating at all these days. A bit at a time is much better than nothing.

  2. Gorgeous post ... love the reflections you’ve shared Roxy and it is so very true, oh to be wise ..
    ...we need to number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom, and to seek the things the LORD would have us do.. at a pace we can handle, I’m not well at moment and really sense my fragility when out and about. Held up by the Lord.
    Sending prayer hugs your way,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  3. You are so very right- a little bit can go such a long way. I think I need to slow down a bit sometimes because I push myself way too hard to 'get'er'done! Have a blessed Sunday, Roxy! xo Diana

  4. Such a lovely post.l So true that as we (gracefully) grow older we do slow down and I think sometimes that is hard for us women to accept. I see this for me especially during holidays when I normally do all the hosting and preparing myself. Last Thanksgiving I announced that next year someone else would have to take over and my husband quickly reminded me that I had said that the previous year :-)

    Blessings and Joy Roxy,

  5. Hello Roxy,
    As a follower of Christ, I have learned that there is no such thing as a coincidence. The fact that I found your blog post on one of my "rabbit chases" while scrolling through Instagram is not a coincidence!
    I was just thinking about my own blog and how I miss sharing my thoughts even if it was just for myself! Writing my thoughts and observations, sharing my creative exploits, sharing a recipe, or even a funny story is not wasted time but I'm leaving a legacy for my children, grandchildren, and one-day great-grandchildren.

    After reading your lovely blog, I'm leaning towards going back and refreshing my old blog once again.
    I am a 66 year old retired teacher of 30+ yrs, mother, grandmother, quilter, Crafter, embroiderer, gardener, book reader, and lover of Christ. I live on a 17 acre farm in northern Alabama, married my college sweetheart of 47 years, graduated from Marshall University, and native West Virginian. I have three adult children, and six grandchildren!
    Thank you so much for your lovely post and reminding me that, like your words are a legacy, so too are my words a legacy to my family!

    I hope to begin reading your blog on a regular basis as well as following you on Instagram.
    Your sister in Christ,
    Jane Ellen Hillis

    I'm going to give you the address of my outdated blog if you care to take a look. My intentions are to make a new post within the next few days. As for today, I'm going to spend the afternoon with two of my youngest grandsons.
    Jane Shrewsbury Hillis

  6. I'm tearing up because, you just gave me permission to be who I am now, not who I was in the past. Sometimes I think I am who I was (physically) years ago. The mirror say differently.
    Thank you for being so open and loving to us!

  7. Just a little bit seems all I can handle as of late. I'm thankful for what remains! Thanks so much for the encouragement. Blessings


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!