Monday, May 20, 2019

How To Be The Best House Guest...

How to be the Best House Guest, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Are You A Wonderful House Guest?

We read and talk a lot about being a wonderful hostess;
But, I think we hear very little about how to be a thoughtful guest!

Times have changed, as years ago, it seemed like there was more company.

 And I might ask when was the last time you had
Overnight guest in your home?

Do you even have a guest room, or just a comfortable space
For someone to stay in?

 This post may not interest some of you.
But, I always like to think that when, after my husband and I leave
Someones home, they will say; Now, that was a very nice visit!

The goal is for them to one day to want to invite you back!
Or to want to come visit you at some time!

You probably have all heard that saying;
"Company is a bit like fish, after three days it begins to stink"

So firstly, I will open with this thought.
Do not overstay your visiting!
Short but Sweet...

That is, even if you are just having dinner in someones home!
The host may need to get up early the next morning.

When staying overnight in someones home,
 Always let your guest be aware of how long you plan on staying.
To make sure it does not impose upon their life and plans.
Give them an idea of your schedule for what is in the plans for each day!

Ways to be a great house guest!

Be aware of their schedules.

Show some interest in their home and their design and style.
Their hobbies and their family and even their work!

Keep the bathroom clean!

Help clean the kitchen, dishes and such!

Keep the room you stay in clean and tidy, make the bed!

Help with the meals!

Buy some of the groceries!

Give the hostesses some personal space;
Everyone needs a little bit of that!

Just relax and enjoy their hospitality and home.

Leave a note thanking them! 
Or a small thank you gift!

Clean up what you have used while visiting.
(Take the sheets off the bed)

Don't forget to take some pictures!

Showing Hospitality is a wonderful thing!

It's always nice to create memories and see new places and
Spend time with old friends and even make new friends!

Do you have any tips for being The Best House Guest?

Blessings, Roxy