Monday, June 3, 2019

Singing In The Fire...

Singing in the Fire...

We have all heard the phrase singing in the rain;
As sweet and enduring that little phrase is,

The reality is that as we live and walk this earth till our journey ends;
We must learn to sing in the Fire...

It's so easy to sing when all is calm and the sun is shining!
It's easy to sing when everything is right in your world!
Is is easy to sing when you know the words;
But sometimes, we will not know the words or understand the circumstances,
We must sing from our hearts without knowing the harmony at times.

Good Morning
Good Day
Anyone of us may be in a different place in our days...
Our lives truly are very brief...

I now know how easy it is to slip over to the other side;
I could of died resulting from a bowel obstruction this last past week!
I guess I can now truly say "you can die from constipation"
I was very sick and I truly can say I was Blindsided!
I was in the hospital for a week.

It seems these are they very things that teach us to sing;
While in the Fire of pain, weakness, and sickness!

I can look back and can say that any trial, whether physical or emotional
Can teach us many things!

In our lives, we suddenly can be overcome from a sickness!
These things just happen as we all are living in a sin fallen world.

But, what I hope to get across today is even though these things
Can and Will happen, how can we walk through these trials?

Learn from your experience!
Try not to be fearful
Pray that you do not become bitter!
Realize everything takes time!

Everything will change!

We must never allow these trials to define us!

Every trial will have a new song, you must learn to sing!

Outside my bedroom window is a bird that sings all night long!
Even when there is no moon, even when the wind blows!

I am grateful to be alive!
I made Sunday dinner yesterday,
(Easy Beef Stew in the Crockpot)
My Son said Mother, your not making Sunday dinner are you?
And I said well I'm not dead yet!!

I so appreciate all your sweet 
Get Well Wishes on my last Blog Post;
You are all very kind and I did feel so many prayers
Lifting me UP...

Much Love;
Truly Living From Glory To Glory
And Learning To Sing In The Fire...
Hugs, Roxy


  1. It's with great joy, I reading reading this post from you. I appreciate your words of wisdom (again!). You have such a beautiful way of telling us your stories and this one in particular. It's very pertinent!
    Enjoy your day and thank your sharing. It's wonderful to be blessed by your words.

  2. It is true that life is short and we never know when our Lord will call us home. But I am so glad you are getting better!!!{{hugs}}

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better and that you even felt up to making dinner for your family. I'm sorry you were so sick and hospitalized. I will be praying for a full recovery for you. I know a few people who had that same issue and I know it's definitely NO fun.
    May God bless you with rest, peace and healing my friend.

  4. It's good to hear from you Roxy, and hear about your song. Your post is very timely for me. I am not enduring a serious health issue as yourself (and I do pray that your body heals well) but one of needing a home to move to. Our family has just a couple weeks...and then we have no place to go...yet. Praying for the Lord's provision, dealing with doubts...and I to must learn to sing in the fire.

  5. Oh, my goodness! I was so sorry to read about your recent trial, but I'm very glad you are home recovering and that He strengthened you to "sing in the fire"! I found it fascinating that the YouVersion Bible's verse of the day for yesterday was Romans 8:18 "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later." I hope that you were encouraged by thinking on the glory set before us while suffering physically in the here and now. Although we are "fearfully and wonderfully made", I "fear" that these aging bodies are not nearly as "wonderful" as they once were (-; Thank you for your blessings to each of us through your words of wisdom!

  6. So glad to hear things are getting better and you're back writing words of wisdom and encouragement for us ladies. I pray you continue to get better and have a full recovery. In Jesus' name. Amen!

  7. Oh my goodness! I did not know this...I must have missed your last post. Praise God that you are recovering and yes, how suddenly a fire can enter our lives when we are least expecting know that I know this all too well! Of course we can be hit by circumstances like these and they can and will knock the wind out of us, even if only temporarily but being able to keep a positive outlook and continue singing is the only way out! I am praying for you, Roxie...for continued and complete healing. You are such an inspiration to so many! Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful heart! Sending much love, hugs and prayers!

  8. Wow, Roxy, the Lord certainly knows best but it has been a rough path for you, I thought when saw your title there might be a book review.
    Here’s a book that’s actually called singing in the fire.
    It’s absolutely brilliant I’ve bought four copies kept one myself which I’ve loaned out and given away the three as gifts. She’s wonderful biographer.
    Loved what you said about leaning to sing the tune of your song the Lord has given you.
    God bless and keep you in all things dear Roxy.
    Shaz.x ps would love you see my latest post on prayer on Christian blog...

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. So thankful to hear that you are out of the hospital and recovered! We never know when the storm is going to come, or what it will be, but if we can look up and above the storm, and sing in the fire, we can praise Him through the storm! So thankful that you are feeling better, bowel obstructions are horrible and very life threatening, giving praise to the Lord with you that you are on the other side of the storm and "not dead yet"... I had to chuckle at your comment to your son! Blessings to you sweet friend!

  10. Oh- I am so sorry you had to go through that experience, Roxy. You are lucky they caught it in time...that can certainly be life-threatening. I am glad you are feeling better and felt up to making dinner. You "ain't dead yet"is exactly right- xo Diana

  11. Dear Roxy,
    I am glad to see you back. So very sorry for your recent health troubles.
    Glad you are okay now.
    Thank you for your encouraging blog.
    Take care of yourself,
    Aline L.

  12. So sorry I didn't get by to visit to offer prayer, Roxie, but giving thanks with you that you are better, I will pray for you.
    This post is so on target, life's situation can leave us bitter, angry and helpless, but we must not let that happen, Thank you for your encouragement!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!