Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How To Work From Home For Christ...

Working For Christ From Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Homework For Christ~

What I personally love is being able to work for Christ 
Right within my home...

I must admit that every single day I can find so many things,
That I can do from home and for my home and family;
That it keeps me busy and out of the worlds sight.

Being at home has taught me so many things;
I can serve the Lord with greater clarity and quietness.

Too many women can find themselves worried that they,
May not be doing kingdom work.
But working for Kingdom ministry outside the home or in the spotlight
 Are taking many women away from home.

We must not fret or worry about not finding time;
For outside work, or a public ministry.
Homework for Christ can be much more appealing and appropriate.

The work of Christ is not all found in the things we do in Church.

It has taken many years to realize that what I do in my home,
Is a powerful witness to a world that longs for love and peace.

Many women, once they raise their children will have more time;

But for me it seems I have less energy or time.
So I still focus on my own home.

I like to think that whatever I set my hand to do;
I do all in Christs name.

Let my toil of each day bring grace and a sweet home!
May my prayers cover my home
May the meals I prepare be filled with love
May kindness grow up like a well watered flower garden

The place I want to be "Sactuary of Home"
Good works done in faith...

Unselfish toils within your home may be unseen;
But never un-noticed by those that live there or may come to visit!

I am still a work in progress, but I know that as I strive to do
The homework He has given me, I will take each day and carry
My list of things to do, To the Lord in Prayer...

Blessings, Roxy

Fresh Rolls, Sunday Dinner, Living From Glory To glory Blog...


  1. This is so encouraging, Roxy, Your insight in managing a home, and encouraging us women to fulfill God's plan for us is so amazing thank you for sharing.

  2. This is so true. Sometimes when we are made to feel "less than," because we're not in the world working, or volunteering at different places it gets very discouraging.
    I find with my knitting and crochet, I can still help others and be in my home where I feel most content and that I am doing God's will for my life.
    Thank you again Roxy.

  3. This is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you! It really blessed and encouraged my soul. Praying all is well with you Mrs. Roxy.

  4. Lovely post Roxy, thank you. Sue

  5. I always need this encouragement as I sometimes feel pressure to be "contributing" in some way. Our grandmothers never felt this pressure!! And my poor daughter, who has chosen to stay home with her new baby, has been (subtly) criticized by even Christian friends. I can hardly believe how much the world has changed and how homemaking is seen in such a poor light. Keep preaching it Roxy, we all need to be reminded and encouraged!! xo Deborah

  6. I am always uplifted by your Godly words. Thank you

  7. Thank you Roxy for speaking truth to us women.

  8. Lindas fotos. Gostei de ler. Bom fim-de-semana.

  9. There is truth in your words Roxy. Since retiring from working away from home, I find myself wanting to do "more" here that makes a difference....I have more time to do the little things that have been neglected for far too long. Teaching two Bible studies at the drug rehab mission keeps me diligently in God's Word....but with a renewed passion!!! I don't have the stress and pressure to have studies prepared as before. Now I can linger in The Word longer...gleaning those treasures for my own spiritual growth, as well as sharing what God has for others. Thank you for sharing what God lays on your heart to encourage, and build up your Sisters In Christ Roxy. I am inspired by your boldness for the Cross. xo

  10. This is such a wonderful post, Roxy. I think that many people don't realize what they can do from home that is really God's work. Even praying is a ministry. xo Diana

  11. Your words are so very true. So many of us at home are made to feel like we are lazy for not being out in the working world. But I know my place in doing the Lord's work has been to be full-time caregiver for my disabled husband all these years. We may be poor, but I'm completely happy here at home where I should be for my husband. Thank you for this inspiring post! I pray for all of us to be bold in our walks and works with Christ! Blessings to you! ♥

  12. Amen Roxy a work in progress.
    My first car had for its bumper sticker... Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven. Sometimes folk expect the firmer overlooking the latter, lively post. Struggling to comment on embedded comment boxes like you have, pop up are fine, don’t ask me why these very unstable so sorry am late.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!