Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger...

Norman Rockwell Painting, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Every Morning when I sit at my desk to read my Bible;
I see this picture and quote in this frame to remind me...

"When I was a little girl I think I may have looked just like this little girl"
I usually get a good laugh and a big smile when I read it!

The reason she is smiling because she finally has had enough!
You might ask; Enough what?

When life or people try to quench the joy or make fun of you;
For being old fashion and just a homemaker...

If you are working within your own home
 And your Husband,
Loves and supports you and It pleases the Lord;
We can more then overcome!

There is a time to defend oneself and your family!

We live in a world where the bullies can do as they please and say as they please.

But, I can see where in my life I did stand and prevailed;
Victory has been the outcome!

Everyone will have different battles, but some things are just,
Worth fighting for...

Most battles will be fought within your own homes.
But if you will keep steadfast and stay the course,
You will win the prize!

Sometimes the prize is 
 An overcoming attitude.
Having a home where peace reigns!

A happy marriage.
A home that is filled with laughter!

You will become stronger if you will just say no;
For all the things that are negative and against God's plan for the home!

You are getting stronger; as you take care of what the Lord
Has given you...

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Oh how I love this post, Roxy! It talked to me. I try not to listen to negative words, those in my mind or others. I know my Lord and God loves me and knows the "real me". I am not perfect but HE Loves me anyway.
    Have a blessed day.

  2. Norman Rockwell was a master at expressing thoughts and feelings through his work.
    Yes, stand up and take care. Let God show you the way!

    (How are you feeling?)

  3. Roxy, this encouraging letter brings strength to me today. Thank you

  4. I love that picture, Roxy, and have heard this quote all my life. You are so right we must defend ourselves and family, I am honored to be called a homemaker. Thank you for all of your encouragement.

  5. Aw, Roxy, I had to laugh! I can picture you as this feisty, optimistic girl! xo

  6. People ask me all of the time how I can stay at home. I worked full time while our kids were in school, always home when they were. I drove them to school and picked them up afterwards. That was the only way we could afford the Christian school tuition. After they all finished college and the house paid for, I quit. My Hubby couldn't wait for me to stay home and I absolutely believe this is where I belong.

  7. That could also be my motto, Roxy! I truly believe it...how else do we get through difficult (REALLY difficult) times?? What a great post! Hugs!

  8. What a fun picture. I love Norman Rockwell. You're right, going against the grain of the rest of society can be hard sometimes. I hope that it does make me stronger!

  9. I heard that phrase," stay the course" a long time ago. I really made an impact on me. In life we all go through so many things...but we need to go through them and not just bail out when the going gets tough. Yes, fight for our homes, our marriages, and the path that the Lord Jesus wants for us and not listen to the enticements of the world!
    Thanks for your encouragement!

  10. Amen, hold true to the word and..
    ... “ run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him, endured the Criss despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of God.”
    Praise His glorious name, beautiful post Roxy, and I really really love that picture, it’s a cracker!
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Well, I think that little girl is a doll! Hopefully, you did look just like her. Your are filled with wisdom my friend!!


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