Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Woman's Place Is In...

White Teapot & A Rose Teacup... Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~A Woman's Place Is In~

Being in the right place at the right time...

Being in a quiet place with sweet fellowship with her Savior
"Jesus Christ"

Being a woman that desires to invest in her family.

Being loyal and showing respect to her husband.

Being happy and taking care of yourself.

Being fruitful in her spiritual growth
(Become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ)
Ephesians 4:13

Being aware of the needs that the Lord shows you.

Being able to turn small talk toward something deeper.
(God Talk)

Being able to protect those that she loves.

Being willing to learn and to be flexible.

Being kind is a character trait we need to aspire to!

Being able to STOP and assess a situation!

Being able to value what the Lord values.

Being able to rest and enjoy Gods Blessings...

The woman is an incredible gift to our families and homes;
We have so much to give and share...
We nurture and help others to grow and appreciate Life...

Learning And Loving each and every day...
Love. Roxy


  1. Your words are always so encouraging!

  2. Amen Roxy. I love being "in the home" and available to help others when needed.

  3. Hi Roxy,
    You really hit the mark! One of the things I wish I could do better is turn idle chatting into God talking. Counting our blessings.etc.
    I have attempted multiple times to move a conversation from negative to encouraging and exhorting, but it doesn't happen often.
    Thanks so much for the nudge to keep trying.

  4. Thank you Roxy. You are an encouragement to us wives and mothers. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. What a blessed role women have in the home.
    Being available for what the Lord has need of you to do.
    Thanks for your post!

  6. I am convinced that women create the tone in a marriage and home. It is not about meeting someone halfway--I think it is about giving 100% and hoping that the other person does the same---hoping but not expecting. xo Diana


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!