Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Can We Re-Gift A Gift We Have Received...

Gifts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Is It Okay To Re-Gift?

I remember the first time I found myself giving a gift;
That I had received from someone that was not what I needed!
I must of had two of them.
That was when I had to decide whether it was a proper thing to do!

I did end up giving it as this other person would enjoy it,
And get some use out of it!
Where I would not be doing that at all.

You must always be aware of who gave it and never,
Give something away that would hurt the person's feelings,
If they ever found out!
And always keep those things that a child or an old friend shared a treasure from their hearts!

And in some circumstances you can even say;
Hey, I was given two of these ______
And I thought you might enjoy having this one!

But if you are given three sets of something, or double;
Then I believe there are times we can re-gift...

There have been times I have given gifts
 I have gotten from an antique store.
And even Goodwill, I may have had to repaint or fix!

I even buy simple things that are on sale and save to give later!

So have I re-gifted?

But trust me it was a blessing to another and I enjoyed sharing!

Just use wisdom and never do it if it could damage,
A relationship or friendship!

And beware that one day you may find yourself on the receiving
End of the re-gifting line.
And so if you find yourself with hurt feelings.
This will help you decide re-gifting is not acceptable to you!

We all have so much in a world of stuff...
I think that is why so many are even asking others to not bring a gift;
But rather donate to a worthy cause...

Also a homemade gift is always so sweet and a treat to eat!

Blessings From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy


  1. I have re-gifted things that I had more than one of because I really want to avoid storing treasures here on earth.
    Thank you Roxy for another timely post.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I think it is important for each of us to remember that when we give a gift, it is just that - a gift. It is meant to be a blessing to the other person. Who wants to give another person something that will be a burden or unwanted. If they are able to pass it along to someone else to whom it will be a blessing, then everyone can be happy, and we should be pleased. I would so much rather someone be happy with a gift I have given, than burdened. Why are we giving the gift - to make ourselves or the other person feel good? And, yes, I have had to remind myself of that and not be hurt when I have put extra effort into what I thought would be a special gift that was not as pleasing to the receiver. It certainly can be a lesson in humility. And you are so right about keeping gifts - most assuredly exercise wisdom and love in receiving a gift - many are meant to be cherished. Graciousness is so necessary in both giving and receiving. I am so thankful that accepting God's gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ, is not so complex! (-;

  3. Very wise words. I remember that we received four, yes four, electic can openers as wedding gifts. Those were in the days when it wasn't easy to return or exchange items. I did re-gift a two of them over the years and saved one for a back-up! I was careful that the people who gave them to us never knew as I would never want to hurt their feelings.

  4. This is so true and a very helpful post on re-gifting. Our family loves the the sweet treats food gifts.

  5. Tricky subject but your advice is true, use wisdom and think of others.


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