Saturday, January 4, 2020

Why We Should Start A Grateful Journal...

Why We Should Be Grateful, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Starting A Grateful Journal...

It is never too late to start a grateful journal;
But maybe starting it at the beginning of a New Year,
We do not have to implement all our ideas for the new year on January 1st!
Sometimes it takes time to do the very things that will bless us.

But this idea;
Could be a great way to practice being grateful!

I found a journal that I have had for years and much to my surprise,
It was filled over a decade of time of things I was grateful for!

So do we have to learn the art of being Grateful?
Yes, I believe we do!
It is so much easier to just be busy in any given day;
We can become distracted and often overwhelmed.
In many seasons we can be what I called a survival mode.

But once you start taking the time and look for those things,
 That come from our sweet heavenly Father;
 You will want to start treasuring those little things and big things!

We need to make time for journaling things that can give us joy;
Because In times of trial or lean days we can find hope.

Being grateful is one of the most powerful weapons!
We can ward off discouragement and anxiety!
And bring us back to a peaceful state of mind.
Because we can look back and see that the Lord has done to bless us!

This simple thing can bring you great joy!
Because we can feel lonely or forsaken at times.
And it's truly just not true...

Train yourself to look for the things in everyday life;
To be grateful for!!

I have picked up that very old grateful notebook,
And I am adding things often that I am grateful for!

I think this will be a legacy of the sweet gifts from the Lord...

Blessings to you all!
Hugs, Roxy


  1. This is a great idea, Roxy. I have a blessings bag that I put blessings in....kind of like your journal. The girls, and my grandkids can add to it, also. I take it out once in a while and read the blessings written in it. WE can never thank God enough, can we?! Love you, my friend. xo

  2. I think a grateful journal is a very good idea. I'm not good at journaling. I have never been a writer, a diary keeper. I do have a prayer journal and I'm writing out the Psalms and that's all I can handle right now. I will pray about it and possibly begin later in the year and I'm grateful for the encouragement that you give us here to remember to be grateful each and every day for the blessings that we're given.
    Wishing you a blessed Sunday Roxy.

  3. I love looking back on my grateful journals. In fact that's what motivates me to continue writing in them.

  4. So agree Roxy though must confess I’m very prone to do a month then not do any more when comes to journaling, it’s very important though to day by day have a thankful heart cos we are so totally complete and utterly bless in our lives, freedom to worship the lord read the surf and share it with others. Wow blessed indeed.
    Prayer hugs..
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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