Friday, April 10, 2020

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life ToHelp You And New Blog Design...

Baby Chicks, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Happy Spring...
Time for New Beginnings

I am very happy and blessed to have been able to have my Blog
Living from Glory To glory
Revamped and updated!

My old blog was starting to malfunction and things were not working;
Weird images just popping up!

So I had this beautiful photo that I just loved;
So with a very talented Designer, she made me a Header from the photo.

If you are needing a little help or a complete makeover!
~She is very professional and talented~
Here is her Link

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life To Help You Become A Loving Homemaker...

Hope for All Homemakers... 

When I was a young woman, and newly married
 I remember feeling like I was finally
Going to be able to do what was in my heart to do! 
Making a Home filled with things that I loved!
And people who called our house a HOME

I didn’t really know at the time,
 How long all this might actually take! 
But it was in my heart and it was a seed,
 That had to grow and mature. 

I feel a special kinship with others that want the same things. 

But we all know life does not come with MapQuest! 
Everything is a journey and sometimes it’s a bumpy ride. 
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house we go! 

When I was a young girl still in school, we had classes that taught us; 
So many skills to run and manage a home one day!

Home Economics is no longer thought to be important. 
And some of us had a Mother or Grandmother to help
Teach us practical homemaking skills. 
And tips to do things efficiently and cost effective. 

But there is the Biblical sense that we are told in scripture for the older, 
Woman to mentor the younger woman! 
To love their Husbands and their children... 
We all need love and support and guidance to be keepers of our Homes! 

Good homemakers do not come with a booklet with the
Directions and steps of 1-10 ...
But rather live and learn, and with many detours!

But homemaking is rather a recipe that can be changed
Or modified,
To fit your location and budget size!

Because we are all so different, but some things are universal!

Maybe we can all look for opportunities to help,
 Love and encourage each others as being home makes.

We have had this stay at home order for weeks now;
I was just hoping many women would have had a real change of heart,
And the desire to make their homes the best place.
And we would all want to stay close to home,
If even just in our hearts...

May being a homemaker never stop being in style or the most important role!

Pray about being a mentor or even looking for an example to learn from!

 And may you have a new beginning in something good...

Much Love And Blessings



  1. Hello Roxy, thank you so much for the kudos and recommendation. I so appreciate your kind words. It was my pleasure to give you a design you love. So much truth in your post. Take care. Easter Blessings.

  2. I never had a mentor to encourage me at home, in fact, when I would say I loved being home I was treated terribly by some women and others just didn't understand. After all, we're supposed to be career woman aren't we? I've always just wanted a simple life of taking care of my husband, children and home. Unfortuately for a period of time I did work outside the home when all three children were in college at the same time. Financially there was no option because although all of them worked full-time while going to school, we wanted them to graduate with NO student loans or debt. I was home with them when they were small and agumented our income by doing some babysitting which I loved.
    After the kids were done with school, I worked another year so our house would be paid for and we have been debt free ever since. The day we paid the last house payment is the day I gave my notice at work. That was 12 years ago and I'm SO very happy to be back home where I belong. My dear husband is much happier with me home too. Dinner is on the table when he walks in the door, the house is clean and we have the evenings to spend together, unlike when I was working and we were both exhausted all of the time. Dinner was late, housework had to be done in the evenings, etc.
    Well, that's a lot more than you asked for wasn't it? I just want to reiterate that being home is so much better. I, too, am hoping that hearts are changed during this time at home and more women realize just what they are missing by being away from their children the majority of their lives.

  3. Love the new look blog, such a beautiful picture. Thank you for your wonderful post, through all the worries it is lovely to be at home feeling safe. Blessings this Easter.

  4. You have a wealth of skill and knowledge to share.

  5. My dad's mother was my mentor. She not only taught me about what it is to be a good wife, and mom, but also a woman worthy of the Lord. I hope to pass down those traits to my own daughters, and grandchildren. Grandma found joy in baking and cooking for her family, as well as keeping a clean home. She had a designated prayer, and Bible reading time everyday. She was very open about praying for her family's salvation. I pray to be bold, and faithful like my grandma. She took her place in God's family seriously. xo

  6. Love your new Blog look! My late MIL was a beautiful example of hospitality. Before knowing her, I never knew what is was like to be hospitable. Through the years,as I watched her make a meal from nothing but basics when someone dropped by, or open her home to everyone, it gave me an understanding of the scriptural meaning of hospitality. She always used to say, "if you want to have friends, you must show yourself friendly."

  7. God's word as always has taught that the older women are to teach the younger in these things. Not everything comes naturally, and not everything is easy. I am thankful for the older women in my life... including you Roxy who encourage me in my role in the home.

  8. Your new blog is lovely.
    I was just reading in Titus today and thinking about my life and how I have either messed up or finally got it right. I did not have an example per se of a homemaker, but I have learned so much from the Word and from reading wonderful books by Isabella Alden & Grace Livingston Hill.
    I delight in my home and thank God for a desire to glorify Him in it.

  9. Dear Roxy,

    Thank you for this post and all posts. This is a faithful labor of love. You are serving the Lord by offering a helping hand to women with teachable hearts. You will be rewarded. Don't weary in doing well! I appreciate your call for the older women of faith to mentor the younger. You are a wonderful mentor! Your blog is here for all to be blessed and encouraged. I know many have been and pray many more to come. I do not comment much but read faithfully. You are a blessing and are doing the Lord's will by sharing the gifts God has given you - you are a teacher of good things.
    May He bless and keep you.

  10. Hi Roxy, happy Easter! Thanks for the blog visit.
    I love your new blog look, it's so pretty and Linda did a great job.
    I am enjoying being home with my family. I have a routine everyday and it's nice to know that my family is together and we are eating good and healthy meals. I am so thankful we are healthy and being careful. I have plenty of hobbies and i'm even taking my gym classes with the instructor and my friends via Zoom. I look forward to when we can all get back to normal life but in the meantime we are making the most of this situation!
    Take care and be safe Roxy!

  11. Your blog re-design is beautiful. Happy Resurrection Day to you Roxy! xo Deborah

  12. A wonderful post, and I just love your new blog look; its just beautiful, and so inspiring.

  13. Linda has been such an encouragement to me and she is a sweet and talented blogger! Take care this week and stay safe!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!