Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Creating A Place Of Solace...

Creating A Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Home Is a Sacred Place

I try to remind myself when I am so busy doing this and that,

Doing the same chores day in and day out.

That I am not JUST doing chores,

But rather creating a home life;

That is filled with security of a safe haven!

I want my home to be filled with warmth and comfort!

A place where we all can feel nurtured!

Summer is a time of being outside more.

What I have been doing is making a place to sit outside

And relax, not always having to water and pull weeds!

I find it's just as important to do the needed chores to

Keep things running smooth.

But taking time to enjoy the birds singing,

The pretty clouds in the sky!

So remember to keep a little space in the great outdoors;

That is what I call my outside living-room!

Great little treasures to place in this area to make it beautiful!

Spray paint some of those wore out items,

 buy some real or fake flowers,

To place in some pretty jars or pots for that summer vibe!

Take delight in your home!

Remember, you're not just doing chores,

But creating a place of solace in the fruits of your labor!

Enjoy and do something that brings life to your heart!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Hi Roxy, I agree with you how we have to do our day to day chores but to carve out some time to sit outside and enjoy the sun and nature!
    I love your new subscriber sign-up that Linda did for you. Linda does such great work on our blogs and I am thankful for her being tech savvy! Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice week Roxy.

  2. I agree with you Roxy. I always, always enjoyed sitting outside when we lived in the Northwest. After my chores were done I would sit under the deck where we had a patio set of chairs and loveseat. I had a little CD player there and I would listen to books on CD while knitting or crocheting my charity projects. My Hubby put lights up around the top of the deck so we could even sit outside at night.
    Here in Nebraska though, I'm struggling with the humidity. Even though I have my lovely furniture here, I have no desire to be outside. I'm hoping I adapt soon. I have been enjoying cleaning and making our new house our home. It's about 60 years older than our last house and has needed some work and still needs some but I am grateful for a roof over our heads. So many don't have that.
    I pray that you have a lovely Wednesday full of love.

  3. I so agree Roxy... I love to make our home a home that is welcoming to all who come here. There is always something we can do to make things more special for those we love, and just simple things are the nicest, I think! I hope you are enjoying a lovely Friday :)

  4. Thank you! I needed the reminder that I am not just doing chores, but I am CREATING a place of solace!


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