Monday, November 14, 2022

How To Do Ribbon Embroidery And A Little Note...

~Ribbon Embroidery~

I was so happy and excited to learn this really easy and fun way to do embroidery.
It is very forgiving in the way it covers and fills in.
I started with some muslin fabric and some ribbons of lovely colors that are a bit thin.
 You will be able to tell quickly, which size needle goes through the fabric.
 And also a large eye needle
 And for convenience, I bought some iron on transfers of some pretty flowers.

You will really enjoy this and it makes some very pretty gift ideas.

After I was finished embroidering, 
I gave it a  finished look by sewing on some lace trimming!
Now, I have a lovely handmade doily...

Dear Readers,
 As we can all see things are a bit unsettling.
So now more than ever we must focus on our homes!

Set your hand to projects that will bring you peace for a little
while each day. This will help balance out your heart and mind!

This is the time of year to buy many items in surplus because
of holiday cooking. Look for those deals and put them back.
We need to keep a deep pantry with this economy!

Look through and find things you can repurpose to decorate!

Wash all those warm throws for keeping warm and cozy this winter!

Make small amounts of soups to enjoy for dinner!

Pull out your winter jackets and wash them to freshen them up!

Buy some shoe polish and make your shoes look brand new!

Be wise and put as much back as you can;
Because you could be paying much more very soon!

Clean out your cupboards and organize!

If you can, buy a food saver with the jar attachment,
For keeping dry foods fresher longer!

Don't neglect reading the Word!

Keep taking care of yourself...

~Do not allow the spirit of heaviness to enter your home~

Please know how much we all need one another!
Encourage each other
Love your family
Love your Home

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Very pretty embroidery Roxy. I appreciate your advice on keeping on during these hard days. I try to remember each day that this isn't a surprise to our Lord. He knew what we would be facing when He designed the world and breathed life into us. I know He will be there for me, no matter what I face.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Oh Roxy you don't know how much I needed this today. I was once again attacked by my mother yesterday. I so want peace in my heart and home.

  3. Roxy, It was a blessing to stop by your place this afternoon.

  4. It's such a blessing every time I open your blog. I find an encouraging word and a reminder to stay focused on the Lord and what I can do in these very uncertain times. Betsy is absolutely correct. None of what we are experiencing now was a surprise to our heavenly Father. He does have a plan and a purpose in all that is going on. We all need to listen to His voice and follow His leading. I often wonder how our grandparents survived. We have never gone through times of doing without. I hear so many complain and get angry. My husband and I are so thankful that we have the Lord on our side. We know we will get through this period of time. God is faithful and never ever lets us fall. I am resting in Him no matter what the future holds!

  5. Your ribbon stitching is beautiful Roxy! I agree, such a special gift to give! It does feel so good to create beautiful things with one's hands, and to keep busy. These are trying times we are living in for sure, but as others above said, so many of our ancestors went through horrible times, and they just kept trusting the Lord, and that is what we must do! We must trust His plan. Blessings to you dear friend, always a treat to visit here with you :)

  6. Thank you for the encouragement. It is always refreshing to visit with you.

  7. Ribbon stitching is so beautiful and almost a lost art. I am glad you are doing some of it! These are certainly scary times we are living in. I guess each generation has its own crosses to bear.
    I hope you have a blessed weekend. xo Diana

  8. That is so pretty! I do regular embroidery but will have to try my hand at this. And thank you for the encouragement. It is always a blessing to visit here. -- Elaine


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