Thursday, January 19, 2023

Be Purposeful In All You Set Your Hand To...

Silver Tea Pot, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Silver Tea Pot And Fake Flowers

Life really is a contrast...

Someone took some sterling silver and crafted it into a beautiful,

Purposeful teapot.

Now, I truly can say that the last time this teapot was actually used

 For a social tea party was YEARS ago!

Some things do seem to not have the same usefulness.

But yet there is still beauty in them!

It takes true craftsmanship and time to produce a silver teapot.

There was a day a Lady of the Home would of

Aspired to owning one of these. 

Maybe it may have been a wedding gift!

When was the last time you saw or heard of a bride 

Asking for a silver teapot as a wedding gift?

My point is this;

As homemakers we don't need a silver tea pot to

Create a beautiful and useful home.

We have so many items in our homes that are not

Either functional or being used.

But we can choose to think outside the box and create

a pretty vocal point with these items.

One little thing we can use in our homes are some

Fake flowers. 

If you keep an eye out you can find some

Very true to life looking ones. 

When they get dusty I just wash them

in some soapy water and they come out looking great.

I enjoy having these artificial flowers for different seasons of the year.

Roses, Sunflowers, Peonies, Lavender.

I keep the ones I am not using stored away, and can freshen up

any room with some pretty flowers.

I believe we are all a bit weary with everything this

Old world had thrown at us ladies.

It has harassed us and caused strife and grief!

But we just keep Plodding On...


Because it's never been easy being a homemaker!

We swim against the grain of society.

We are deemed Old Fashion and Out of touch!

But I believe we have a life long usefulness and purpose!

When times get truly tough, it will be those that learned

To create a sanctuary for the family.

And learned to cook frugal meals out of nothing

 Will be more than able to overcome!

Don't be fooled!

Don't be overcome!

Don't give up!

Don't get rid of anything that still has usefulness!

Don't have and empty pantry!

Concentrate on what is needed in your Home!

Make Lists of everything you need to start doing!

Don't be unprepared...

Sending you all a hug and a word of encouragement!



  1. I am blessed to have the full silver tea/coffee service that belonged to my hubby's great grandmother. I only hope that one of my grandkids will want and love it someday. It is hard in today's world for many homemakers. Sad. xo Diana

  2. Thank you for the encouragements. It is a challenge to keep spirits bright in these times, though we have every reason to rejoice and we know the best is yet to come.

  3. Thankyou for those encouraging words Roxy :) I also like fake flowers and have many different sorts dotted around our home. Blessings to you ~ Linda

  4. As always good sound advice!
    I am a lover and collector of old beautiful things. Old white ironstone pitchers,framed botanical prints, vintage linens. The things that make a house home. They have been well loved by
    Others before me .
    Thank you for the encouraging post.

  5. I love fake flowers. I either get them from Dollar Tree or Hobby Lobby. We even use twigs from our trees and put in vases. Thank you for your encouragement!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!