Monday, January 22, 2024

Beware Of Making Promises...


Beware of making Promises, Living Ftom Glory To Glory Blog...

Keeping Your Promises

It is so important to keep your promises.

But keeping them may be harder than you ever imagined.

That is why we must be very careful when and who we

make a promise to.

We have all felt the effects of someone not keeping their promises.

We have seen it all in the divorce of so may couples.

We have all said "I Promise" to someone about something.

A promise is really just being faithful;

In doing what you said you would do.

A promise is giving your word!

What is our word worth?

I realize there are always situations that arise,

That makes it impossible to fulfill a promise.

But we must try to be a person that follows through!

As it has become a serious problem a lack of fidelity

To promises and engagements...

That we have made to others.

We will all be let down at some time.

And I mourn over those that I made promises to

 And did not keep in my lifetime.

But, we can take heart!

We have a God that never will break His promises!

May I encourage you to look in the Word and see,

And believe all His glorious promises!!

His Word will never let us down;

We can trust him always!

But as his Bride may we do our very best to keep

The promise's we make!

We have all heard the saying,

"He is a man of his word"

We are all sick and tired of all the lies and deception...

We do not want to align with the tactics of the father of lies.

There is no truth in him!

So, we may be better to not promise anything,

May our Yes be Yes


Our No be No

~Our Father in Heaven wants us to be Faithful~

Blessings, Roxy

Thanks so much to those who have left 

comments and love all these years!

Monday, January 15, 2024

How To Find Tranquility...


Peaceful Landscape, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~There Will Be Seasons You Must Just Rest~

When we pull back from all distractions, we can focus!

I have had so many overwhelming feelings.

The world is changing so fast and it seems like for the worst.

Every road just seems bumpy...

So, I had to just stop before I just raged in disappointment

and wrote things that would not edify!

I have very strong feelings and opinions!

But my heart beats more steady when I do all the things

that fill me with joy!

When we expose ourselves to the dark stuff we fade.

I felt like a plant that had no water or sunshine!

So, I really have focused on doing things

 that fill me and provides me with purpose!

"I am a wife so I bless my husband

I am an artist, so I paint

I am a writer, so I write

I am a grandmother

I am a great grandmother

I am a friend

 so I will invest in them"

I do believe we are in for a bumpy ride;

So I will hang on as if I was on a roller coaster,

And enjoy the ride.

And I will cover my eyes when I can't look!

Taking every thought captive!

You must put up boarders;

Around your heart and mind!

~Because out of the heart the mouth speaks~

Fill your days and moments with life...

Find the tranquility

Find moments in your days to be thankful!

My days will have joy and purpose,

Because whether I eat or drink, I will do it as unto the Lord.

God's timing is perfect, we must just wait upon Him

May You all enjoy the purpose and plan God has for you;

In this season of your lives...

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy