Saturday, August 3, 2024

Storm Rider


Riders On The Storm. Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 It's been a wild ride these last few years.

But the last few months have been a typhoon condition.

I really can't see myself being tossed around to and fro!

I was told I take the scriptures to literal!

Was that a compliment?

Probably not...

I have decided to just write and see where it goes for now!

Tolerance cannot be the alibi for the systematic destruction 

of christian society!


The Hope for the future

Are you going to follow Jesus??

Or ask Jesus to follow and bless your plans?

We must remember the Blessed Hope!

So don't lose heart!

We must be very discerning!!

We must be Brave...

We have a Savior and its not the government!

Storm Rider...

"You must overcome

Endure till the end"

What is a Storm Rider???

What is the Storm???

A storm of unsettling emotions, that is dumped upon 

you by someone else.

It can take just one person to make you feel

sick in your soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions)

Prepare your home and heart for a storm.

The Storm is spiritual and physical!

Do all you possibly can...

A Storm Rider Will Ride Out The Storms

Black Clouds 



Lies, Deceptions, Following the Culture

This Storm will come upon those who say

God does not exist!

We will all see this Storm;

But I believe God's protection will be upon many

That believe in God and trust Jesus.

(The shelter of the most high)


Living From Glory To glory