Monday, September 16, 2024

Get Your House In Order...


God's Beautiful Evening Sunset, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Every Man is made for his own time and Work...

J. R. Miller

Every day we are given an equal time to do something!

Some days are more productive than others.

But each day we can set our hand to something profound!

Staying Home...

When we stay home, you are able to have a more organized life.

You will save money!

You will eat better!

Get your house in order...




The things we say and believe matter more than ever now!

When you lay your head down upon your pillow;

Pray, Give thanks for the day you have been given!

Stop riding the fence line for the scenery, but look

for the broken down fence post and the rusted out barbwire.

We must have strong and safe borders in our lives!

Beware of the gaps and open windows and doors.

This glorious earth is constantly teaching us spiritual truths! 

Remember you are responsible for managing your own life!

Allow the Lord to lead you in putting your house in order!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

P. S.  Faith is just acting on Gods Word...



  1. I love being home, I always have. Even when I had to work, I longed to be home. Now that Dennis is retired, we do things together around the home as he enjoys it and can do things that are physically difficult for me. We're enjoying retirement and the time to do more for others and still be able to get away as we are this week to the Black Hills in SD.
    May God Bless you in this ministry until He comes to take us home.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Amen, Roxy! Beautiful, true words. In an age of distraction and excess of everything, this message of simplicity and responsibility isn’t glamorous but yields peaceful fruit, encouraging a life well lived. I’ll say it again: Amen!
    Thanks for this awesome post!
    Rebecca in Kansas

  3. Amen! This is all so true! Love, love, love this post! If you know "Anne of Avonlea," then you will understand when I say... I think we are kindred spirits! 😊😉 Thank you for these encouraging words - they were so needed as the world keeps pushing us to stay busy with everything but keeping a safe, peaceful, and God honoring home!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!