Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Famine Of Hearing God's Word...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everyone is looking for truth and meaning to their lives!

Well, I will tell you this that you will not find the true answers
in this old world!
Yet God will use this creation and all our situations to bring us to the truth.
I believe He is always tenderly calling...
I told my Hubby this morning I am pretty sure we don't live forever
 in these old bodies.

I found this and I thought I would share it with some of you!

John the Baptist was such a powerful light that God chose to use!
Check out this link below and save it to your favorites!

We must learn to feed ourselves as the church is suffering
from a famine of the Word...

We live in a day in which there is a famine in the land for the hearing of God's Word. This famine has produced a generation of starving Christians who greatly desire the presence of the truth of God's Word in their lives. Our purpose is to use the means of the Internet to propel the Word of God to every tribe, tongue, and people.

To help accomplish this goal, we have launched Expositor.FM, a 24-hour Christian internet radio station featuring the biblical preaching and teaching of many prominent pastors, teachers, and leaders proclaiming God's Word.

Google... www dot expositor dot fm

Expositor.FM is committed to daily programming that will aid your personal Christian Walk.
Be encouraged by men who have established ministries founded on the Word of God.
Be instructed in verse-by-verse exposition for the renewal of your mind and transformation of your life.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Reassuring Those We Love...



Sometimes, as the women, we need to reassure our husbands!

And as a woman you will have times you will need to reassure many;
You know when you go through a stretch of trials or tribulation,
We can become fearful or unsure!

And it is very good to quickly respond to our loved ones;
To say yes, we are going to be okay...
Even during a difficult time, we can get pressed!

Even when we do not think we are stressed our bodies can and will
Still respond in a fight or flight mode!

Fear when dwelt upon over a crisis has its own problems!

When worry creeps up over a bad report or situation;
I remind myself of this
Worry is sin...

No, it does not just stop it!
But it puts me in the overcoming defense!

In this life we need to have a plan of defense.

Learning to respond correctly quickly is a powerful antidote for many things!

Even when things happen slowly, there is still a response.

We are to be good stewards of our bodies
Our finances
Our relationships

Being a good steward requires action, 
Keeping Busy
Can be so powerful in times of unrest, or sickness.

I think of times past, someone is always in a crisis or coming out of one.

Taking and making the time to reassure ourselves and others,
Every time a crisis comes we learn to readjust and overcome
So if any of you or your loved ones have been struggling
With sickness or a bad report my heart goes out to you!

I have many friends going through trials!
I also have had high blood pressure out of no where...
I started exercising and changed my diet to less salt
And taking a few supplements;
But still landed in the ER
The doctor told me I was not dying...
That was a relief... I needed to be reassured!

I still feel really weird, I go to the doctors again tomorrow!
I DO NOT want to have to take medicine for it!
(What are your thoughts?)

P.S. Now that I think about it all, I started feeling terrible after I had a
Flu and pneumonia shot in the same day...
My arm got all red and swollen for a week!
Did my body have a reaction from them?
I think so...

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...

The wonder and excitement and glee!

Simple is always the better choice!

We do not have to spend a ton of money!

We do not need a ton of Christmas decorations!

Just watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate,
Can bring comfort and warmth...

Exchanging Christmas ornaments is easy and affordable!

You can always give gift cards!
(coffee or burgers)

I am looking for fa la la la la...

I want to awake to the joy and excitement of what
Christmas is really about.

I heard that Christmas is about kindness;
And I thought, wait a minute, I think something has gone astray!
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour...

So my JOY comes from this;
I will still hang a red bulb on the tree
I will still bake cookies for those I love
I will sing
JOY to the world the Lord has come...

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Help Your Husband...


When you become self absorbed in things and self;
And forget to be the helpmate that is needed.

I have seen lately, many relationships that seem strained.
I can't help, but to look at some of these people that we know and love.

But I always really must go back to the basic of a healthy relationship!
Men were created to rule and protect!
But when the one they desire to love and protect, seem aloof or contentious.
This brings a weight that just kills their purpose.

Sometimes it is not the huge battles that break them.
Rather, it can be the accusing tone in your voice.
When they are tired we continue to push them with our words.

Sometimes it is just not meeting the simple needs of good meals,
And rest and a hug...
Men feel the weight, dear ones!

Helping is really very easy and when done with a word of encouragement!

If we really believe God is in control;
Why do we always try to rule and control things?

Spend quality time with your Husband!
Make the choice to truly help them...
(The benefits are huge)
Peace in your heart and home...

The best way to show love to your children of any age;
Is to love their Father!

Our Husbands are the treasure and gift to keep our homes
Safe And Together!

Do you always want to be right
Keep the peace...

As in the picture above, even a sheet of ice can break a stalk;
But the frost can stifle growth and movement!

Be his greatest cheerleader and supporter!
Remember that his job can be so demanding as ours can be also.
But giving love and support is what gives us purpose.

Let This Be A season Of Giving...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Woe's...

After Winter truly sets in we all need to pull out our thermal underwear
Warm socks 
Lined gloves
Boots with warmth, and not just cute!

So you get the picture;
During this last week I thought I might just fill you in on a few 
Happening's around here...

Well, it snowed and has been freezing
I completely lost my voice for three days
I watched every Hallmark movie in a movie marathon.
My brain completely seized up...
As a girl has to use her words, or it is very possible that
She just may explode, I tell you!

Well, after 2 days of that I was determined to get moving and do something!
So, I cut out two Christmas aprons and as a no surprise; I was short on the fabric.
So, one of the aprons would fit an elf!
So if you know any elves that need a new apron, let me know!

Then after a very long day...
My Hubby comes in and tells me last evening
Honey, I need to move the dryer out as it is spewing lint and moisture 
all in the back mud room.
(Living out here you need a mud room)

I tell him I will help, so he gets the dryer pulled out and of course
the dirt under those appliances are always so dirty,
We get it all fixed and we used the all purpose homeowners
Duct tape to complete the job....

So as we are putting the duct tape away...
I watched as a can of PVC glue purple gunk falls off the shelf and splits open.
Now it is all over my hubby's arm and now on my white floor.

Not one of us knew what to do!
We tried bleach, we tried WD 40
We used a paint scraper.
I screamed (whispered) call our son!!
(I had no voice)

He is one of those guys that can make or fix anything;
He said use some GOOF OFF...
Hubby says do have any Goof Off?

Don't ask me, how would I know!

Well any hoot he came over and he had some of that stuff and it did take
most of that bright purple color off my floor.

Okay, if this was all  a test I am pretty sure I did not get such a good grade!

Oh, and did I mention I ordered for the first time an organic
Turkey for our Thanksgiving meal?

Well, it was the most bland and tough turkey I have ever served!
I kid you not I spit it out in my napkin,
Just like when I was a kid and my Mother served us liver!
I really did miss my hormone ladened turkey...

I hope I did not leave out any important facts...
Oh wait, one more I turned another year older!

I do feel this is another holiday to remember!
Laughter is good medicine...

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Tablecloths Great Comeback...

The simple elegance of the great American tablecloth's!
I think that when we see a tablecloth it immediately takes us back to the
Days of early homemaking styles.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Google Images

They can be very simple or very intricate...
Fine linen to lace
Bright colors to patterns of just about anything.

Red and white checkered says country or Italian.

White linen says your special and company is coming!

Fall festive says harvest and plenty
Christmas says Merry To all 

Why has it become so much work or effort to use a tablecloth?

I know all the practical reasons...

But now days you can cover your tablecloths with a clear plastic if you have
Children, or would rather have the option for an easier clean up.

You can also find many plastic ones with the flannel backing;
With so many pretty colors and patterns.
(But please be careful as those tablecloths can leave a lint film on your wood)

I prefer tablecloths and I also use place mats.

Tablecloths come in about every size you can imagine!
Also, you can purchase them for a very reasonable price;
I always look for them at second hand stores, 
and after seasons change clearance section.

My reason for writing about this particular home decor and its uses!
We can change our whole presentation of either our kitchen or dining room
By using a simple large piece of fabric that is placed upon our table.

Social graces and simple, cozy feelings!

If you simply prefer not to cover your table, may I suggest using some place mats!

I have very sweet memories of being a child in my Grandmother's kitchen,
The old percolator was making coffee and toast was being served,
with fresh butter and cream for the coffee.
But what really sticks out was the fresh tablecloth on the table
Every morning had a new beginning...

Here is a very great tip for keeping tablecloths crisp and wrinkle free.
Wash them and line dry them if possible, as then there is no need for ironing.

A tablecloth can really make the style and a statement...
Home is everything!

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