Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Mothers Heart

My daughter Ashley and Daughter in law Amy
My oldest grandchild Naomi

My precious grand daughters:
Naomi and Hannah

                       Today is a very special day!
                       It is my daughter's Birthday!
         I  just wanted to take some time and celebrate the amazing gifts God has given me,
My girls and my grand daughters.
I speak a blessing over each one of them that they will
be all God has placed in their hearts, and they will
be wise women, and will continue to build their houses.
Her children arise and call her blessed:Proverbs 31:28
I was thinking what words of wisdom could I speak into their lives?
Did I live my life as an example that they would want to follow?
If I had a single flower
for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden.
In raising my children, it seemed like the days lasted forever,
It was the years that went fast.
Blessings, Mother


  1. Thanks so very much for the birthday blessing. I am sure glad that God choose you to be my mom. Love you very much!

  2. Oh that was so sweet. Brought tears to my eyes. So blessed that God chose you for my mom in law too! You are such an encouraging, loving, godly mom and I think that everything you set your mind to do, you do it! That's a loving and caring mom if I ever saw one! You are a great grandma to all your grandbabies too, you have left an amazing foundation for all to see. Love you so very much!

  3. Yes, it was so, so sweet!. Happy Birthday Ashley! I miss Ashley being here in our neck of the woods.... I never knew all of our little chickies would fly the coup did you Rox? I thought they would all live around close by. I never knew they would all grow up so quickly. People used to tell me they would, but I didn't believe them. I am amazed that little Naomi is about the age Ashley was when we met you.... how could that have happened so quickly. I love all the pictures.

    Love ya,


  4. This post got me all teary eyed.. What gorgeous girls! And Happy Birthday Ashley :) I have many happy memories of her birthdays! You all are such a blessing and I am so thankful for your friendships!

  5. Awww, Happy Happy Birthday Ashley! Yes loved reading this and LOVE you Roxy and what a beautiful mother you are. Such an amazing daughter and granddaughters you have. I am so very blessed by your baby girl Ashley and your grand-babies. Love the friendship you created with my mom and that friendship has blossomed into so many relationships! Many blessings
    ~ Marie


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