Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Are The Apple Of His Eye... His Provisions

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Thank you for apple peelers

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
This fall, we really made the applesauce, it was a lot of work but the rewards
Are worth it all...

My daughter in law and I made 20 pints of applesauce, and 20 pints of apple butter.
 We were blessed with 4 bushels of apples.
 We had so many that we were able to give some away to our dear friends Pam and Steve.
 We really love the apple butter, it tastes so good on toast!
I believe making your own jams and jellies are so rewarding.
I want to really make canning and putting back a big part of our food pantry
~ Also it looks so nice to see it on your shelves~

I know it is tempting to want to put it where everyone can see it,
But it is much wiser to put in a pantry where it is cool and dark.
For the quality and longevity will last much longer,
 if you will be careful as to how you store it.
We also put some up with spices and flour for apple pies,
and put them in the freezer.
We have plum juice made up and in the freezer, and very soon we will
be making our whole families favorite Plum Jelly!
Be encouraged
Be wise
Be frugal
Be prepared!!
Our barns shall be filled with every kind of provision.
Blessings, Roxy


  1. I love homemade apple sauce. We made some this year, w/ the few apples we harvested from our little tree. My family was surprised by how much they loved it. They've only had store bought in the past. Nothing like fresh, from your own apples, is there? Good for you, putting up so much to have for later! That is a wonderful blessing!

  2. Hi Rox,

    I am up here in the Springs, waiting for my Mac appointment in 10 minutes.... having a cup of coffee at Panerra.and remembering our lunch last week.. it was such fun; Steve is going to his doctors appointment up here. I had to reschedule my Mac/Apple appointment, because I wasn't on their schedule, which I had scheduled on my computer, which just confirms how much they need to help me haha. Any how, it was fun to come and see your new post... so sweet. We were so, so, blessed by the apples you guys gave us. We never did get to pick any more this year, and so I am delighted to have applesauce and apple butter because of your thoughtfulness. Your advice is very good about keeping your back in your cool dark pantry... I have often longed to keep them out where I can see them and have even done it for a short while, but it isn't the best plan to be sure. It is such a pretty sight though isn't it?

    Love and Blessings,


  3. Hey there!
    That was so much fun, wasn't it? I LOVE making and canning all the yummies. It is so nice to be able to pull it from the pantry when we are out. Saves a trip to town, saves money and tastes so much better. I'm ready to make jam when you are. I love all your posts,they just keep me inspired!
    Love Ya,

  4. Wow Roxy!!! Mmmm I can almost taste it! The pictures are so inviting! What a delicious Fall post :) And as Amy said, your posts are SO inspiring!! Miss you all!

  5. Mmmm mmmm I am loving all this apple action going on in this post! The pictures are so fun! Its like a little window has opened up for me to peek into your cozy life and partake of what you are up to and thinking! Such happiness and delight to be able to to this with Amy next door! You two are such a great team!
    Love you bunches
    ~ Marie

  6. All those apples looks so good. Wish I could have been there to help and make it with you. Maybe sometime I will be able to. Enjoy all that apple butter! Have some on some toast for me.


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