Saturday, October 27, 2012

Everyone Says Glory...

The voice of the Lord...
Strips the forest bare;
And in His temple everyone says,
A fresh glimpse of His Glory!
Be still and know
He is God.
I awoke to our first dusting of snow this morning.
It is time to be ready for shorter days,
And longer nights.
A cozy fire burning, and a longer time to spend
With the Lord and study.
I also got to check out all my favorite blogs,
and leave a comment on most of them.
I have found a sweet kinship with these
gals, seeing a part of their lives and homes.
How it must please the Father,
that we desire to be the home-keepers
 He spoke about in His Word!
I am thankful for each woman who has
inspired and encouraged me!
Blessings, Roxy


  1. I work a full time job, but my heart longs to be home tending the "fires". What a joy to be a home-keeper. Blessings...Pam

  2. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and tend to my family. God works in amazing ways. Thanks for always inspiring me! I'm so glad for all the other ladies out there. May you all be blessed!

  3. So very thankful for all that Mr. C does, so that I can be the keeper of our home. Thank you for the encouragement!!! And what a lovely picture, so peaceful!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!