Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Great Pumpkin

Harvest Pumpkins
I just love pumpkins!
And I  relish Autumn's harvest
When you see the amazing array of God's colors,
you can know, He loves beauty.
Who doesn't love a pumpkin sitting proudly on a table.
adorned with autumns leaves and pine cones.
I think decorating with the bounties that come from nature
are the sweetest.
Pumpkins are so good for you,
filled with rich (Beta Carotene)
One of my most favorite things made with pumpkin
puree is Pumpkin Bread!
Pumpkin soup is amazing, light and so delicious.
But let us not forget the pumpkin pie,
my hubbies very favorite.
I also make fresh whipped cream just for him!
Also, don't forget to roast your pumpkin seeds!
Next year let's all grow a larger pumpkin patch:)
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Psalms 34:8
Blessings, Roxy


  1. I love fall and everything that goes with it! Pumpkins and leaves and the cool weather. I love making anything pumpkin....I love my pumpkin bread too! God is so amazing that everything he created was full of color and beauty and that we get to experience it every day!
    Much Love,

  2. I'm a huge fan of all things pumpkin. I feel giddy just seeing their bright orange color each fall! And don't get me started on what I'm like when I smell my first batch of pumpkin bread baking in the oven. Ahhhhhh!!! :-D I agree, grow more pumpkin! What a gift God gave us in pumpkins, for the eyes and tastebuds!


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