Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Elegant Tea

Simple Tea
Even the most modest tea pot and cup,
served with a lace table cloth,
makes it fit for a Queen.
The simple but elegant!
Never under estimate a cup of tea.
Take time and be still.
Blessings, Roxy


  1. And tea is so perfect for around 3 pm when all your brain cells start malfunctioning! Such a sweet post. Love it!!

  2. What a gorgeous picture and setting. Yes, you are exactly right Roxy! I am going to start quoting you :) Loving your posts!!! Xoxoxo

  3. I love the picture Rox... and it is so true, it brings such an elegant, beauty, it is fit for a Queen. I laughed at Amy's comment, and agree with her completely. I think I'll forego my coffee and go put the kettle on right now.

  4. I am going to have tea with a friend today. I hope it will be a good time of fellowship and relaxation. Your blog is very pretty.

  5. Beautiful picture Roxy. I laughed at Amy's comment too! I agree, tea and quiet time are so important. The tea pot and cup is so rustic and beautiful too!

    I was going to add to my comment down below that I am excited to look at your link, I have been wanting to make snow mittens for the boys so we will see if I can do it! Thanks for the link!!
    Love you
    ~ Marie


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!