Monday, November 12, 2012

Recycled Mittens

Mitten Weather

I was just going through some of my favorites,
 and I found some great ideas on recycled mittens.
  We all know very cold days and snow are ahead for some of us.
We really are praying for snow as we have
been in a terrible drought.
We have been so busy doing some home make-overs, that
it has been a challenge to find time to do anything else.
I love to sew and to craft and to make things lovely
for my home and family.

There are so many ideas on the web for making mittens from old sweaters!



  1. The link worked Roxy! You are getting good at this blogging thing now. Yea! What a great idea for the cold months to come. I however am not good at sewing, but would love to learn! Thanks for sharing....

  2. The snowy picture brought a wave of homesickness over me! Oh my goodness! Thanks for that Roxy. I love to be reminded of what it is like and how it feels in Colorado. I didn't realize how much I was missing it :(

    Love your idea of mitten making. And so glad you have been able to do so much this year right before the snowy weather hits. You all are so cozy and snug, I love to picture you when it is snowing out. Love you sweet Roxy....

  3. Oh what a cozy picture Roxy. I agree with Elizabeth you have just struck my homesick cord with this beautiful photo. I can just picture you snug in your home with your cozy fire going. I hope you will be able to get some rest after all that hard work of updating your kitchen!!

    ~ Marie


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