Friday, November 9, 2012

Kitchen Blessings

Sanding and priming .
See my new stove?
This is what started the make-over:)

I had my drawer fronts refaced,
what a difference it made.

My sweet grandson!
I painted the island a completely
different color.

See my chicken's?
I love the wains coat we glued in the center
of each cabinet.

The brick board added the cozy
touch it needed.
See the red top rail?

See my antique oatmeal canister?

My long counter top.
Love the brick board.

My chandelier is my most favorite touch!

My heart has been so full of His love and grace!
This the most beautiful kitchen I
have ever had!
I feel blessed beyond
Blessings, Roxy


  1. Love the new look for the kitchen. My favorite thing is the brick on the back of the stove and counter.

  2. Roxy, I am in love with your new kitchen. How beautiful it is!! I agree with Ashley, the brick is my favorite also. I also am loving that gorgeous chandelier! Great job you guys!! And great taste!!


  3. Wow Rox, I love it! I love the brick board, and the new colors, the amazing new stove... I can see how it set you off on this remodel quest.
    I can't wait to come over and see it up close. And that Chandelier is so beautiful.. what a lovely kitchen. I'm coming next week; put the kettle on.

    Love you

  4. Pictures does not give justice to this kitchen. It is so amazing! It's warm and cozy with a french country twist. We all work so hard to complete it and it WAS so rewarding in the end. It is so you now..... God is good!

  5. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! And Amy thank-you for all your hard work. And of course my son Barry's skill and expertise.
    God is so good to me!

  6. It's amazing how changing one thing can bring about so many others. It looks like your hard work has paid off. Every thing looks so cozy...Love the cute red rail...Enjoy! Blessings...Pam

  7. I love to see kitchen makeovers! I've just become a follower of your blog and I thank you so much for following mine. You have a lovely blog ~smile~.

  8. Wow!!! It gorgeous Roxy! I have always loved your kitchen, its so inviting and warm and most my our times together is spent in your kitchen :D This makeover is breathtaking! So happy and excited for you!

    Love you Roxy!

  9. Oh, I need to do this to my cabinets!!! Yours look great!!

  10. Roxy, your new kitchen is so wonderful! Adding a new touch to your cabinets gave life to your kitchen space. Also, I love your antique oatmeal canister and chandelier! I want to have those things in my kitchen too!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!