Monday, November 5, 2012

Whistle While You Work

I really love to iron!
Ok, your all thinking this girl needs to get a life!!
I like to get all the tops and bottoms,
that I may be wearing soon.
Also, I iron my aprons!
I like them to be clean and fresh and (not wrinkled)
And I put up my ironing board in the kitchen,
it is usually up in my/spare room/
sewing room/ect.
But I do enjoy being in the heart of my home.
I can listen to worship music, or a teaching tape.
Also maybe get a post started:)
And to watch what I may have cooking on the stove.
My sister can- not believe that I love to iron.
I told her one day maybe,
it's the only thing I can control
We must be diligent,
and focus on what is really important!
Our time with the Lord
Honoring and respecting our Husbands!
Making our houses a Home...
I am so blessed!
I love to be a part of this,
amazing community of Bloggers.
Do Not Forget to VOTE!
(For those who live in the U.S.A.)


  1. I love being able to take a moment out of my busy day, sit at the computer and check out what's happening in every bodies every day lives. It's so satisfying to be lifted up and encouraged each day. For as a mom and a wife, I take pride in my work. I really don't mind doing the laundry and cooking the meals. As for ironing... well if needed I ask my dear sweet mom in law to take on that challenge. That is one thing I dislike. I just say take pride and honor your spouse, your children and your home! Be blessed!
    Much Love,
    PS So glad tomorrow we vote, I'm tired of all the political issues. And remember who ever the president may be- we all ready have one King- JESUS!

  2. I feel very blessed being in your kitchen. I love what you said about being in the heart of your home. Your kitchen is a warm and cozy place and is certainly like the heart of your home. I enjoy putting on worship music, teaching tape, or an old movie while I iron too... although I must admit, I am not as diligent of an ironer as you are. I do love to have everything crisp, and do love feeling as if all is in order in that way, but don't seem to get to it as often. My aprons would love to be ironed I am sure, but they do not get ironed... perhaps I will remember them next time I do a batch of ironing, and think of you. What a sweet post Rox, it has put the sweetest picture in my head.

    I am headed home tomorrow. I will look forward to a little visit once I am caught up at home.

  3. Miss Roxy,

    This WAS a sweet post! Made me smile thinking of you in your kitchen, getting a little giggle out of your whistle while you work remark. ;-)
    your giggle. Always infectious and warm.

  4. I do the same thing, I drag the ironing board into my main living area, put on some music or some good teaching and before I know it, the task is done. I need to see about ironing my aprons, that's a good idea, I love my aprons, and I think this would make me love them even more. You are a special lady, who is so encouraging and good at what God has given you to do. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming post!

  5. I love that you love to iron! What a great idea by keeping your ironing board in the kitchen. And I have to agree, having a nicely pressed apron does wonders to a woman's moral! :D You look so pretty in this picture and it is so nice to see your precious face! Love you Roxy!!!

  6. I can't seem to find the words that express how much your sharing does for me. You indeed are a blessing to me. I rejoice in your faithfulness and godly character. To embrace the call of God in my life is my desire and your continued messages are an exhortation and encouragement.
    May our faithful GOD BLESS you and your's.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!