Thursday, November 1, 2012

Honoring Others

Showing Honor
I was just thinking how fast the holidays
are approaching, and to realize that another
year has gone by.
This is a picture of a surprise lunch
Birthday party given to me
last November.
I was turning 55 years young.
So that means in a matter of weeks I will be turning 56.
So what I have been thinking about
all this last year was the kindness,
and love, and I honor that was
shown to me!
It still brings tears to my eyes,
and a lump in my throat.
I believe in showing honor to those God,
has given us :
Family, and friends,
mentors, and Pastors.
We can show honor in so many different ways.
As you bless others, you yourself
will be blessed.
Maybe we can start now asking the Lord
for ways that we can show honor to others.
This holiday season could be a time to
really let others know what they have
meant to you.
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Romans 12:10
Blessings, Roxy


  1. I love it! Honoring others is what we all should be doing each and every day. Kind of like Paying It Forward... Jesus is the reason for every season! Thank you for sharing such a sweet reminder.
    Much Love,

  2. Hi Rox,
    I have such a happy memory of that birthday party for you...maybe we should make it a tradition, it was such a blessing for all of us. I am having a nice late night blog catch up, and enjoying all your posts. Your
    canned chicken looks wonderful. I am looking forward to doing it one of these days. Be blessed.

    Love and Blessings,

  3. I also celebrate my birthday in November! I'm giving my day up this year for my daughter's 18TH birthday celebration. Her birthday is the day after mine. The year she was born I also sacrificed my birthday as I was in labour! I think I will go out for dinner with my husband the evening before and leave all the preparations to the rest of the family. What a lovely surprise you had last year. I'm guessing Pam had something to do with that from her comment above. I think if I ever travel to the States (on my wishlist!) we will all have to have a bloggers dinner. That would be wonderful!

  4. Lovely!!! I agree with you on my post about grandmas, today's moms aren't as hands on as we were! My apron swap is Christmas themed so any fabric that would fit in with Christmas is fine. Glad to have you join us! Your blog is lovely!

  5. What a wonderful blessing, I am sure you deserved it:-)

  6. What a beautiful reminder Roxy, love this!!! And how wonderful that you were blessed in such a way for your Birthday! Awesome!


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