Monday, January 21, 2013

Queen Of The Home

A Lovely Lady
This is one of my most favorite treasures.
I was given this plate as a young women, it belonged to my Grandmother.
This was in my Grandmothers china cabinet as long as I could remember.
I believe this is the very first encounter of a women of a sweet
demure countenance.
 A princess or a queen maybe?
I remember thinking, who is this pretty women, my imagination was sparked.
I always knew in my heart she was real.
Where did she live, in a palace so grand or a castle far away.
I think we as women have such a desire to create and surround ourselves
with beauty.
As I have lovingly taken such good care of this plate, I have wondered
as to if maybe one of my own grand daughters would
find an attraction as I once did?
Has our culture and days of longing for the princess ceased?
We are all Queens of our own homes!
And this why my dear ladies we long to surround ourselves
with beauty and charm.
We were born (princesses).
Blessings, Roxy



  1. I loved this post Roxy. It's good to be reminded that we are queen of the home : )


  2. Queens of the Home indeed! It's good to be reminded of that from time to time. I have always loved that plate, you should pull it out and display it for all the see. So beautiful! Have a great Monday!
    Love ya,

  3. Beautiful thought! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  4. Lovely post Queen Roxy! ;-) Some days, when I'm out in the shed working on the furniture we build, I don't feel very "princess" like. But once I finish, and see the piece in all it's splendor and get myself all cleaned up, I return to my proper role, Queen of our home! I'm an odd queen I think...I love building rustic, beautiful things. But also love making my own home beautiful and welcoming for family and friends.

  5. That is truly a beautiful plate. What a treasure and I love your thoughts.

  6. I love lady portrait plates and have about nine of them. Beautiful and special since it was Grandma's.

  7. I believe there is still a longing in the hearts of young girls, young women, and even older women to be a princess. Why else would there be so many princess movies, stories, and British royalty fans?


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