Friday, January 25, 2013

Wise Counsel...

Now, what was that she said again?
 I am so thankful for the wisdom that comes from
Godly counsel.
Do you realize that God tells us to get wise counsel!
I am always searching scripture for answers to
questions I might have about any given subject.
We join Bible studies to grow.
 We buy books and read them.
We educate ourselves in many ways.
But there is a way to gain knowledge
and to get insight that we can use.
Godly counsel, is a wonderful gift we
can give to one another.
We are a body of many parts, and we function
much better when we use each other.
Would you dear sisters love to be called a
wise women who builds her house?
Listen to advice and accept instruction,
and in the end you will be wise.
Proverbs 19:20
Now, that just does not mean anything anyone tells you!
Look at the women and see if there is fruit.
Is there wisdom from above in her life?
Godly counsel always lines up with the Word.
Godly counsel operates in Love.
Godly counsel brings Peace.
May we all be teachable and ready to learn!


  1. I agree. There is so much to be said and gained when women learn Godly wisdom from each other. And, always, best when they come from the scriptures.

  2. AAAAAMEN!!!!! I get so tired of the fast paced, independent way we live. We are called to be INTERDEPENDENT! The Bible says to make Disciples...which requires relationships, imparting wisdom, and accountability with one another. Great word!!!!

  3. Very beautiful and wise words. I will take them to heart. Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I'm a new follower now to this lovely page you're writing. God bless you richly~

  4. I couldn't have said it better myself. I love receiving godly counsel and I take each word captive. God didn't design us to be robots. It's great to speak words to someone but it's even greater to speak words with meaning/scripture. You have a true calling Roxy, you are such an inspiration to not only me, but to all who comes in contact with you. I can't wait to see what you write about next...
    Love ya,

  5. What a lovely post Rox. It is so well said, and such a good reminder to keep us on track. I have been blessed catching up on all of your posts this week... they are all very special; I really appreciated them, including the one on purity. The pictures that go with then are beautiful to me, and just highlight what you are posting about. It was great catching up with you today; see you Sunday.
    Love ya,

  6. Hey Dear blogging friends, have you had trouble leaving me a comment?
    I changed my comment form to a pop up window. Is this easier or harder for you to leave a comment?
    Thanks Roxy

  7. Inspiring my friend!
    Bless you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!