Friday, March 15, 2013

Building Bridges

Sisters In Christ
I am so blessed to be a part of a Body Of Christ!
There is much value in being connected.
Having Godly sisters who live Biblical lives,
and serve Him.
"Humility and Wisdom"
We are living in days that require us to have, wise council, and Godly examples.
Make the time to invest in Godly relationships!
I have sensed a pulling away in hospitality in these last few years.
The body is tired and way to busy.

But we all can say that once we have gotten together with others,
we go away feeling refreshed and inspired.
Ask God to choose your friendships!
Building friendship's are like building a bridge,
it takes time.
But when you do this Gods way, you can know that when
troubles or stress come.
Then the bridge in this relationship, will be able to hold the weight.


  1. Yes, its so true, isn't it sweet friend. Those scones went a long way yesterday to "bridge" my drive home; they were wonderful. It was a delightfully refreshing day; we need to do another. Thanks for your friendship. "One who refreshes others will him/herself be refreshed".

  2. Hi I enjoyed the wisdom in your blog. Blessing to you friend. May the Holy Spirit continue to use you to bless all that he bring across your path. Love you.

    Thank you for the scones you sent with Julie - very good with coffee today.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!