Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blooming In Our Lives

Roses Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Pretty In Pink
I awoke before the sun came up this morning, feeling the effects of a few things.
First, the switch in the time for daylight savings now that really sets your internal clock off.
We also, just finished a week of sleeping in our living room, as we were in the long
process of painting our bedroom.
So we had our King size bed set up in our living room.
Now that was weird...
But once again, all work brings profit.
 And we also were blessed to get new carpet.
It looks amazing!
God is so good, we were in need of a refreshing touch.
I have been working hard to develop skills that are not natural
to me. Such as a (Techy) as needed for blogging.
But I can see the lure of it because it is challenging.
I do not want to say oh well and never try!
So once again, I am being home schooled in the art of
May Spring come soon!
I appreciate all of you wonderful ladies who comment,
and desire to connect.


  1. Good Morning Rox,
    I am loving having a nice catch up on your posts this morning....you do very well to be able to think let alone post with all that you have been up to in the last week...hehe. I can't wait to see your bedroom completely put back together. I had a great time being a part of it even a little bit.

    Your techy skills are coming along mightily, and I find myself panting to keep up with you hehe. I now am in need of you to tutor me on this latest one... it looks great by the way. Also, I love the beautiful picture of the the pink roses and your last lovely posts; The Journables look wonderful. Have a great day, and I hope to talk to you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. I love the new look of your blog, it's so you. I'm not sure about all the white, for you aren't one to decorate with alot of it, but all in the learning curves you have taken to get where you are on the "blog world" it sure does look quite nice. I love the pink rose picture. So pretty and sooo pink! I love the look of your bedroom too. It's so elegant. It's nice to be able to take part in the remodeling, it helps that we live right next door. :o)
    So Spring time,eh? And when exactly will that be arriving?!
    Love ya,

  3. Your blog is a very pleasant place to visit , so I would say your techy skills are coming right along. Blogging has forced me to get a little more techno savy but I have a long long way to go. Cn't wait to see your finished bedroom redo. Hope your day is good

  4. Hi Roxy,
    I haven't visited your blog in some time so this morning I decided to pop over. I wanted to thank you for reminding me that I don't have to be timid and introverted in order to be a woman with a gentle spirit. You have always struck as a woman filled with femininity, grace, and gentleness yet you are not by nature a quiet and reserved person (though you know how to be when necessary!) Anyway, I appreciate that bc I am not quiet, nor am I reserved! When I think about a gentle and meek spirit, I often find that I compare myself to women who are for the most part quiet and shy-- who don't talk much and don't crack jokes, etc. However, that just isn't me and quite frankly, I like to have FUN and LAUGH! So anyway, thank you for being an example of a woman who isn't shy, doesn't beat around the bush, has an excellent sense of humor-- and is a "gentle woman" all the same.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!