Monday, March 11, 2013

Hand Written Recipe Cards...

I was just thinking the other day how sweet and wonderful it is to go through your recipe folder or box, and find all the different hand written cards you have collected. They may be tucked away but they are very much alive with memories. They hold  very sweet and special memories of all the wonderful people who have given you hand written cards, and have given them to you. 
You now have an amazing collection of history and memories!

I have some that were written by my own Mother and given to me as a new bride and wife. And I have some from my Mother in law, who was so good to me. And it brings tears to my eyes when I see all of them at times.

Memories of love,  handed  down to those we share our treasured recipe's with!
May we never stop with the hand written recipe cards. When we are asked for a copy
of a special dish we have made ,take the time to hand write some of them.
 I also like to add  who it  originally came from on it.
Lets keep the memories alive with a lovely hand writted recipe card.
Blessings, Roxy

1 comment:

  1. Roxy, this post touches my heart! I too love my handwritten recipe cards. Some of the women in my life are gone now and the memories brought by their recipes in their own hand writing is priceless. Thanks so much for sharing this at TTF.



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