Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Floater

"The Floater"
I just love this!!
Sometimes we just need to float and feel the peace.
There is gravity to keep us from falling off the earth.
News flash!
Holding on too tight will cause white knuckles,
and indigestion.
Not to mention wrinkles.
Why Worry?
Worry will not change one thing.
Worry is sin.
Worry will waste a good day.

We can be either sinkers or floaters!
 It is better to just wait on the Lord;
So just relax and float.
For God is our life jacket!
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  1. Yes its good to float dear friend. I love your analogy. It is an analogy on faith and trust isn't it? Peter even walked on water... he was one step ahead of us in the floating department... but he did begin to sink when he started looking around him (fear and worry). I love to float in the water, and always feel peaceful when I float; it is good to put that idea into our faith, our existence with the Lord; pure peace and trust. Hope you have a wonderful week Rox.
    Love ya,

  2. Great reminder. I can sure be a worry wort sometimes. How wonderful we have the Lord to keep us afloat!

  3. Roxy- Thanks for finding me and leaving a comment. Now I found you back- Beautiful blog- xo Diana

  4. As I look at the picture of the child resting, floating on the water I think of the desire of God for us to rest in the realm of the Spirit. Coupled with this is the Word of the Lord that promises us that the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in us works a work of transformation within us that brings us to this kind of place of rest. The Spirit and the Word working together and us learning to let go and rest in the finished work of Christ. If we dont understand what He did, we cannot rest as He gave us the privilege of. In the realm of the Spirit with the Word as the Source and Foundation there comes no more space for the soul to worry. There is such rest. This is the heritage of the children of God. I in Him and He in me that we may be one even and He and Father are One. That the joy that was and is in Him would also be in us. Hallelujah, no more place for worry, only believe. What must we do to do the works of Jesus? He said, Only Believe.


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