Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If Piggies Could Talk

Sweet Cookie Memories
This sweet little piggy cookie jar is filled with much more than
just cookies!
If a cookie jar could talk, my what would it say?
What back again!
You said, you were gonna only eat one, you got two in your hand!
I prefer only homemade cookies, those store bought ones,
are so not real.
I remember when I was only fed real cookies!
(With real butter)
I have not seen a ginger snap in almost a decade,
and my mouth waters over a fresh molasses cookie.
My Momma piggy told me about those kinds...
The most nutritious cookie has always been the
Oatmeal cookie,
 I have seen the baker sneak in
raisins (I prefer golden raisins myself)
Now, the chocolate chip cookie is in a class all by it's self.
What could compete to a freshly baked warm out of the oven cookie!
Gooey, yummy chips ,melted to perfection!
They don't call me piggy for nothing.
I have been manning my post for close to 60 years.
I must admit the kitchen is in a bad state of affairs.
I have heard stories from my other relatives,
where not all piggies.
I saw a rooster once, filled with cookies (I say)!
Well anyways, We cookie jars need your help!
Bring real cookies back in the kitchen...
Boycott all the imposter's!
Down with the (not real ingredients)!
Hooray For The Real Cookie!
Make me proud to be a cookie pig again..
Piggies know all the secrets. 
Those cookies next to me are the imposters!!
Eat with caution, may cause side effects.

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  1. Amen, Roxy! I had some ginger cookies at Christmas- not snaps- good old fashioned soft ginger cookies and they were the best I have ever had. I sooo want to call the host of that party and ask for the recipe...I just need to do it! I love real cookies, too, and don't care for store bought ones at all- xo Diana

  2. I agree with your pig! Why eat a cookie that isn't made with love in someone's kitchen? Bring back the home baked cookie!

  3. Hahaha, this made me laugh. I love Mr. Piggy. I love his old fashioned look, I love that he has been around a long time and as you said, is probably full of memories.
    He makes me homesick for times gone by. And I love his opinions about cookies... I so agree with him.
    Love ya,

  4. They's say, yum!!

  5. Piggy Cookie jar, I'll take only homemade cookies myself : ) And I think you're cute.

  6. My husband made chocolate chip for National Chocolate Chip Cookie day tonight. It would be fine with me if I never ate another chocolate chip cookie. I've been making them for over forty years now. I prefer oatmeal raisin myself.

    Have a wonderful week!


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