Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Virtuous Woman...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10
I desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants me to be.
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyway!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living from Glory to Glory


  1. oh-To be able to really live up to that guidance....I fall far short, I am afraid. xo Diana

  2. This is so true Roxy. I especially like
    " We can do this because it's all in
    His strength anyway!
    Each day we are given, we have
    His New Life flowing in us." We must always remember that it His strength, not our own, that will never fail.

    Lesley x

  3. The more I am in Him - the more I want to embody these standards:)Have a blessed week:)

  4. Just came across your blog. Will be back soon. You blog is beautiful.


  5. Hi Roxy,

    I'm visiting from Wednesday's linkup. I've just had a lovely browse of your posts. You have a beautiful, peaceful blog - I enjoyed reading your ideas and thoughts. Thank you for sharing:)

    God bless:)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!