Monday, April 15, 2013

Looking Like A Dust Bowl

Warning Warning !!
We live in the immediate area !!

 Dust and Drought!
What's next?

This is what it looks like almost every day for the
last couple of weeks.

Breathing has become a serious matter around these parts.

 This woman is really stressed!

This is just the way it was during the many years of the Dust Bowl!
God have mercy on us!
We need your prayers!
(Please pray for rain for us)


  1. I am praying that the Lord will 'visit the earth' where you live Roxy and as it says in Psalm 65 'water it and greatly enrich it.' I love these verses that state that 'the river of God is full of water' and pray you will see them fulfilled in the days to come. May the Lord 'water your ridges abundantly, settle your furrows, make your land soft with showers and bless its growth.' Amen.

  2. I will join in praying for your part of the country as well. I had no idea, I've not watched any news in so long...praying that the parched earth is refreshed with spring rains soon!

  3. No exaggerations here! It is bad. Sheets and plastic on the windows and constantly cleaning up blow dirt. It has been a very trying Spring (if thats even what we are in). I'm thinking tropics and lots of water..... Want to join me??
    Glad we live next door-keeps our sanity level somewhat normal.
    Love ya,

  4. Bless your heart....I will be praying for rain, and lots of it to come your way soon!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  5. Roxy,
    Did you get any of the storms that have gone through? All we got from them was lots of blowing dirt. Really starting to get concerned they are already talking about cutting back on irrigation water for a lot of people. We need rain or snow so bad and I don’t know if we will get any. I told Andy we had better hold on to the last of our hay and not sale it, may need it next year. My brother and Sister in Law have some mountain pasture they went and checked on it the other day said it was bad up there what little bit of grass there is the elk are eating it all. Lots of prayers
    Take care


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!