Saturday, April 20, 2013

Berry Wild Shortcake Recipe...

So happy that we live in such an amazing and wonderful world!
Strawberries in any month...
It makes me berry happy!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Fresh and juicy and semi-sweet.

Washed and sliced, and I did add some sugar.

This is a wonderful shortcake to make;
It is probably the best I have ever tasted.
I haven't decided if I should share the recipe!
Let me think about it...
Ok, I will post it, but if this does not make my top ten posts,
You gals will never know what your missing.
This comes from a woman who has grown strawberries for
over 34 years. And believe me she knows how to make
the yummiest and moistest strawberry shortcake ever.
 Shortcake Recipe
3 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tab. Baking powder
3/4tsp. Salt
3/4 cup cold butter
3/4 cups milk
Mix all dry ingredients together;
Cut in butter till small pieces.
In small bowl, combine milk and egg together
Add to flour mixture till moistened
Knead gently 7 to 10 times
Pat the dough into a greased round pie pan
Bake in a 450 F. Oven for 15-20 minutes,
or until golden.
Brush melted butter on top.
Now cut a slice of your shortcake;
place in a bowl, top with your fresh strawberries
Top with fresh whipped cream.


  1. Oh my goodness Rox, your pictures are beautiful...and the recipe is making my stomach growl.... I am going to have to make that this week. I am berry glad you decided to share this recipe.
    Love ya, Pam

  2. Oh mouth is watering! I will be making this...:) Thanks for sharing the recipe...:) Have a blessed weekend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. OHMYGOODNESS!!!! That sounds delicious. I am copying it over to try when we get some strawberries. I love strawberry shortcake and will make this for the family. I will give you some credit back when I make it and post about it!!!! xo Diana

  4. I hate to admit this, but I don't think I've ever made shortcake? lol But this recipe looks easy and strong enough to hold those berries up! Thanks!!

  5. I love Jesus, strawberries and your blog!!! So cute.
    blessings to you.

  6. I am so blessed to be able to come over and eat your shortcake!! :)
    Which by the way was so yummy!
    Who can go wrong with a strawberry dessert?! It makes me BERRY happy too!
    See ya later,

  7. I love homemade strawberry shortcake! I'm going to have to try this now that summer is coming!!!

    I can't thank you enough for stopping by my blog. I was traveling for a week and just now got to seeing recent comments!

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  8. I do love strawberry shortcake! Yummy goodness! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I'll have to give it a try. Mine is more like a biscuit, I think the difference would be a nice change.

  9. Oh Yum! What's not to love? Strawberries and homemade shortcake, WOW! You little tease. So glad you shared the recipe! Thanks for linking to SYC.


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